
Saturday, October 4, 2014

Thank YOU!!

How in the world has it come to the point where I'm jealous of my mom's fabric stash again? lol Look at this latest windfall that showed up in my moms mailbox!!
Thursday and Friday goodies!
My son is in town to visit along with some other family and friends, so I've been practically running around in circles. So busy! But in a very good way. I just got a quick peek into the latest stack of packages from Thursday and Friday and oh my.... I am so drooling! Can't believe how generous everyone is being! One of my sisters (visiting from out of town) is helping my mom get some of it into a couple totes and off of the living room couch. Which just sounds crazy. Zero to 60 in just one week? hehe She already filled up a couple drawers to her mostly empty dresser too. It's a small dresser, but still! Pretty amazing stuff.

This latest batch of envelopes/packages is from Minnisota, Florida, California, Arkansas, Oregon, Ohio, Nebraska, New York, Illinois, Idaho, Missouri, Georgia, Wisconsin, New Jersey, plus one from England, Saskatchewan Canada, British Columbia Canada, Belgium and one package (via a fabric store) via Australia! I tried to write it all down but really, I tend to get distracted by the contents! Thank you once again to everyone that has played along! Even the lady at the post office is grinning about this now.


  1. I really love seeing how generous quilters have been to your mom. Makes me proud to call myself a quilter.

  2. I see Ohio on the list...i hope that was me! :0)

  3. so glad to take part in this - I sent my package off the other day so maybe she got it today too?

  4. she might need another dresser soon...or maybe you can store some at your house!

  5. It's like a dream Christmas in October.

  6. Yay ! My parcel arrived. So happy!

  7. This just puts a smile on my face! I can only imagine how your Mom is feeling! :) So glad I got to participate!!

  8. just makes me so happy cause I know this is just making your mom so thrilled.
    I can't wait for her to pick a project and start sewing with all these fabrics.

  9. I love it! this is what the on line quilting community is all about!

  10. So far I don't think I've seen Iowa on the list of state postmarks. Box from me will be in the mail this week, so Iowa will be another state to mark off. I hope your mom gets lots from every state -- and the ones from other countries --> priceless!!!
    Yes, quilters are the best.

  11. That makes me happy! So glad she is getting lots of fabric love...quilters are just like that!

  12. This warms my heart and makes me smile!! What a great community!

  13. I bet it is quite an eclectic mix!

  14. Sew glad your mother is getting some smiles from her new fabrics.

  15. Thank you for the "thank you"! So glad to call you and your mom fellow quilters ...
    Kathy T. in Tampa


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