
Saturday, September 13, 2014

Pics From the 2014 NCW Quilt Show

This is a photo heavy post, but I thought I'd show you some of the quilts that caught my eye. The quilt below was just fun and happy. I seriously wanted to haul it home with me in my bag! After seeing Kathie work her magic on that quick little baby quilt I wonder if I should start gathering fabric for one of my own?

There were quite a lot of quilts in the style made below--applique heavy and very detailed. They always draw my attention and make me feel like a slacker with my own applique work. lol

This next quilt is quite horrifying in that large butterfly motiff so commonly used in the seventies, but the fabrics... I am in LOVE with that wonderful chrome yellow and those fabulous odd prints used! Kudo's to the quilter for being bold in her choices!

My mom and I stared at this particular quilt for a long while. The entire centerpiece of the quilt is an upcycled vintage tablecloth which is a really, really great idea. Pinterest and this quilt = true love! The quilter just added a very nice border onto the quilt and then quilted it very complimentary to the tablecloth print. Genius. I am going to be trolling the 2nd hand stores for vintage tablecloths now for sure!

I couldn't resist the quilt below. Not all the fabrics used are my 'style' but I love the cheerful look to the quilt. The appliqued flowers on the bottom are totally up my alley and the trees above made my mom smile. We both enjoyed getting to see this fun little wall hanging. She needed the eye candy to distract her from the reminders of what she lost in the fire. She would point out various quilts and say, 'I made one of those' or 'I was working on a similar quilt to that one'. It made me so very sad, but she was obviously enjoying the quilt show regardless so I'm glad we went together.

I don't have the patience for Sue Spargo like stitching, but I sure appreciate looking at it! What a sweet little mini quilt!

I wish the picture could adequately convey what this quilt looked like. The color was just amazing the way the light made your eye want to dance around the quilt. We actually had a hard time viewing this quilt as there was a woman in front who would NOT move away from the quilt. We finally left and came back around later.

This little note was hilarious. Something to remember if you're having a hard time gifting one of your quilts...

I don't have many solid fabrics, but I always love the look of a Gee's bend style quilt.

The quilt below was actually a 70's kit with a very uninspiring white background. The applique however, was wonderful.

This quilt was made by the featured quilter whose applique work was beyond amazing. She always uses needleturn which is my absolute favorite method as well. I had to take a picture of this one (my favorite) because of the use of plaid fabrics (so sparky) for some of the flowers. All her other quilts were much more detailed and obviously took an enormous amount of time just in terms of handwork. We chatted with her for a moment and got to look at her current project. Wowsers, does this woman know how to do her thing. I left feeling very inspired.

There was quite a few Quilts of Valor on display which is always wonderful to see. I really love the red/turquoise combination of the quilt on the left.

And then there was the vendor booths. Mom teased me quite a lot about stocking up on the used quilt books (I bought 15 to her 10). All her quilt books had burned so she obviously needs to restock, but me? I was just being greedy. lol  At $1 a book, I don't think so!

We also managed to time getting through the quilt show perfectly, allowing us to sit in on a little applique class. Would you believe it was the first quilting 'class' I've ever been to! Thank goodness for good quilting books, the internet and of course my good quilting friends who have helped me all along the way. I learned a couple 'of course' things to remember about working with applique and quite enjoyed the presentation. Very interesting to sit in the small crowd and realize that I'm not a complete bumpkin about the technique after all (no matter what my insecurities always want to tell me)! I've graduated from beginning applique somewhere along the way without even realizing it. Funny how that happens with age, great passion and dedication.*wink


  1. Wow! Thanks for all the eye candy - so many things to comment on! The first quilt looks like a really interesting construction. I don't think I've ever seen anything like it. Love all the applique inspiration - I definitely need to get going with my appliqued eagles. The "modern" tablecloth quilt was wonderful. I've been looking for a tablecloth project since being inspired by Tim Latimer's Christmas tablecloth quilt. Quilt books for a dollar? And you only got 15?! Would love to have a dig through that bargain bin! Sounds like you and your mom had a great time!

  2. Love all the quilts. Especially the first one. It looks just like the quilt I received from my grandma that her mother made. I've made a modern version. You can see both quilts here.

  3. Wonderful quilts! Glad you shared that label it made my day, since I have a hard time letting go any of my quilts. Your journey learning to quilt sounds a lot like mine. But you are so right if you have the passion and the tenacity you can look back and smile.

  4. love those applique quilts! good buy on those books - something I am trying very hard to stop buying - I tend to look at them once and then they sit on the shelves!

  5. Thanks for sharing all these wonderful quilts. I like the way there's such a wide variety of styles.

  6. Thank you for sharing those wonderful quilts, always inspiring. Great find all those books!

  7. lovely quilts, thanks for sharing. Saw some real original work there.
    Wow~ you did really well with the used books - they look great.

  8. It was fun to see these :) Love that label, lol!

  9. The baby quilt is gorgeous. The maker has captured the vintage look beautifully!

    Incredibly clever use of a vintage table cloth. Some people are so creative.

    Love that lollipop quilt pretty ! My colours for sure.

    A buck for a book – I wouldn’t have passed that up either...bargain!

    Sounds like you and your Mum had a lovely day. Just what the doctor would have ordered for you both.

  10. Great show! I appreciated your commentary as well. There's always something for everybody. You got some great books for your library. Glad you girls had a good day.

  11. You got a real bargain on the books! Lovely quilts too:)

  12. Lovely quilts, and great book buys!

  13. You crack me up! You are NOT a slacker and you are NOT a bumpkin!!! You are a very talented quilter with a great sense of humor though! You really scored on those books and thanks for sharing the quilts. What a great show!

  14. Great to see so many pictures of quilts. And you were right to buy the books, what a deal!

  15. I am so amazed at your mom's stoicism! I think I would be a wreck if all my stuff burned up, but maybe when it happens to you, you just have to carry on. Thanks for the photos, and best wishes to you both!


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