
Monday, September 22, 2014

It's the Little Things That Tip Us Over the Edge

Gotta love the blogging world. I was cruising through quilty blogland the other day when I stumbled upon a picture of a Tree of Life Quilt. Yes! Love those! Gayle and I commented/e-mailed back and forth about how it was one of those quilts on our bucket list and it all got me to thinking.
Tree of Life fabric selection minus a fabric or two
I think it is really happening......
You see, I already have had a stack of fabrics with the Tree of Life quilt pattern in mind. But it's been sitting there for months and months. And months. No real inspiration to get going on it. At all. Every time I dragged the fabrics out and looked at them, I just kind of mentally wilted. Seriously? This is all you got for me the fabrics would say? And I would just stuff them back in the box with a sigh. Yep. That's all I got. Maybe next time.
Getting some fabric cut out
Then on Saturday, while I was digging through my fabric totes for a binding fabric, I stumbled on a really lovely orange fabric. (Don't ask me why I was in the brown/orange tote, I was looking for a green?) Anyway, I threw the orange fabric back in the tote and kept digging, but my insides were practically quivering to work with that particular orange fabric. Technically it has got to be fall. No matter what the calendars say--I can feel FALL in the air so therefore It. Is. Fall. And there should never be a problem with cutting up (or sewing) orange fabric in the fall. Especially say, orange trees? And maybe a blue tree or two? For some reason the thought of a couple blue trees just tipped me over the edge into... cutting-out-a-quilt-regardless-of-the-UFO-list insanity.
The Old fabric selection for Tree of Life quilt
Too much like my Flock of Geese quilt
The next thing I knew there was fabric flying everywhere and I was knee deep in fabric choices, practically humming from all the fun I was having. Now, you might think my choices are interesting {I know I do}. And I'm a bit worried that the background fabrics will look choppy together? But my mom has undoubtedly had an influence on me whether she intended to or not. She was over to visit just last week--for those that don't know, they are now renting a small single-wide trailer a block from their burnt property, not staying with us. All about needing to borrow a wee bit of fabric. Just a few strips mind you! Being a good daughter, I refused to pick them out for her. Absolutely not! I refuse to inadvertently change the feel of her first 'post fire' quilt by making any of the fabric decisions for her. I would somehow 'brown' it down or make it too blendy with my particular choices!

Anyway, the entire point I'm trying to make here is this: I watched in amazement as she poked through my fabric totes and came away with the weirdest, most wonderful mix of fabric I could imagine. I knew this would happen! Out of MY very own stash! I am in awe. I told my youngest daughter to watch out, her grandma was going to make a better quilt than I could ever hope to make and I'm the one that originally bought the fabric. How can that even be fair?

Oh well. Life is full of unfairness isn't it? Her visit  obviously had an impact on my Tree of Life fabric selection this weekend though. Let's just hope it was a good one! The cutting out time (stolen moments popping in and out of the quilt room) was good stuff. The fabrics felt playful and fun and everything seemed to click. Nope. Nothing to feel guilty about here.
More hand quilting the Worry Baskets
And the other thing I did this weekend was hand quilt. A LOT. I am now working on the edges of the quilt, but my mother-in-law is currently visiting too. Not such a great time to lay quilts out on the floor and stand on the furniture to take pics. It just looks bad--gives off the wrong impression or something? So your imagination and this old picture will have to do for now. I really think I am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel with this one!


  1. I love tree of life quilts...there's one or two of them in older books that I have but they look so daunting to me...all those tiny little triangles.

    As to color...driving earlier...looking at the goldenrod and these dark purple flowers that bloom in the fall...what was I thinking? I was thinking...OH, purple and gold with a touch of white ( little white flowers were blooming here and there ) ....that would be a pretty quilt! :)

  2. I'm sure your mother in law would love you just as much even if you were standing on the furniture, but that image sure gave me a giggle! I love your fabric choices and I'm excited to see this one unfold. Have a wonderful week!

  3. Your basket quilt is very lovely, and there is nothing more beautiful than hand quilting from my point of view!

  4. Happy your tree of life quilt is under way and that I was able to find Gayle's blog through you. She used to be my neighbor. She is the reason I'm in quilting now.

  5. Don't you just love it when you get excitied about the fabrics you have in your stash. The stack you have pulled is very inspiring indeed! The oranges and corals give is a beautiful glow.

  6. Tree of Life is on my quilt bucket list too. Looks like you're off to a great start! I think you can go pretty wild with the lights in the hsts, it will make the trees really interesting. Fun!

  7. When the fabric speaks to you - its imperative to listen Audrey! Love the stack Im seeing there - its going to be full of lovely choices and colours.

  8. I had a blast making 2 of those tree blocks. I'm sure yours will be fantastic! Funny hearing about your mum choosing fabric from your stash. You'll be sure to show us, right?

  9. Wonderful story about the Tree of Life selections - and I love it - she's a natural at this! It will be very special made in her choices don't you think? Great quilting - looks beautiful

  10. Que ganas de comenzar mi árbol de la vida..
    el tuyo me fascina ya
    las cestas preciosas!!!!

  11. pretty fabrics - love those oranges and teals. looking forward to seeing your tree of life project.

  12. I think you are going to love working with the fabrics you have chosen. They are amazing together. Look forward to seeing what you and your mother produce. You've made me so curious.

  13. Oh! I really love your new fabrics for the Tree of Life quilt! It is going to be wonderful. It was wonderful also that your Mom is going to start a quilt! She has been through such heartache losing her home. Worry Baskets is beautiful!

  14. What gorgeous fabrics ... I can tell that it's going to be a fabulous Tree of Life quilt, and I can't wait to see it. I'm so glad your mom is going to make a quilt ... from your fabric, no less. I hope you'll share a picture or two of it along the way.

  15. standing on the furniture doesn't give a bad impression :) my daughter was just doing that today for her foodie blog - she made some beautiful deserts and before we could eat them she was standing on her chair taking photos LOL -we all do it!! sounds like fun for your mom and you!

  16. It can be so revealing to look at your own stash thru someone else's eye! The handquilting looks great, love handquilting! Enjoy!

  17. Wow Audrey - Sounds like you're on fire with your new Tree of Life project - looking forward to watching it progress! I loved seeing inside your thought process on the fabric selection. Lucky you to have a mom who loves to quilt too - what a great way to bond.

  18. Interesting what sparks a person to life with a project that has been stagnant.


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