
Wednesday, September 17, 2014

A Gift Quilt

Do you ever feel the need to just finish something? This quilt top has been nagging at me for quite awhile now. Work on me! Work on me! The summer is over already--unbelievable! Which means that it's getting close to the time that I wanted to be able to gift this quilt to a friend.
The wildlife gift quilt (made from a friends quilt blocks)
Yesterday I sandwich and pinned. And today it's time for a little of that machine quilting that I love to hate. I'm using some tan thread from Connecting Threads that I've been wanting to try. It's not Aurifil, but so far it's working really well.
Looking at in on the floor
Machine quilting is not something I'm particularly good at, so my mantra is KISS {keep it simple stupid}. The cowardly part of me wants to figure out an excuse to hand quilt the insides of the blocks, but I'm refusing to listen for once. It's a quilt that will likely get a lot of use, especially snuggle time on the couch--extra stitching won't make the recipient like it any more or any less. I'll just do my best and try to give it with a smile.


  1. Good luck with the quilting Audrey - I like the KISS philosophy too!

  2. I love to hate machine quilting too. Simple quilting will let the blocks and that fabulous pieced sashing to shine. Good luck!

  3. I am far from being a good machine quilter. I would rather hand quilt everything but that is no longer practical for me. I just do well enough to get by.

  4. It's a very pretty quilt. I'm sure your friend will love it! Don't stress. :)

  5. me too - I want to keep the machine quilting simple if I am going to do it. Maybe after a dozen or so I will be adventurous and try something harder - I will need to keep working at it I do believe my hand will be giving up on me quickly in the upcoming years for hand quilting

  6. I feel the same, much prefer handquilting and not very good at machine quilting. But sometimes because of time issues, machine quilting it is and then I follow your strategy. Good luck!

  7. Que bonito!!!
    las tiras de uniĆ³n, me gustan

  8. Lucky is a very pretty quilt ! :) I will machine quilt a pillow or table runner...anything bigger I will tie if I don't want to hand quilt. LOL...I notice down at my sons house, my hand quilted quilt is treated like a museum piece..on display and never used. The tied ones they use : )

  9. I'm sure it will be be treasured and loved!

  10. I hope you find enjoyment when machine quilting this fun quilt. I'm with you on handquilting vs machine quilting. Your friend will be so pleased with this quilt. The sashing looks wonderful with the blocks.

  11. Send it over to me - I'll machine quilt it for you ( and in return you can hand quilt something of mine - Im hopeless at it)

    Its a lovely quilt Audrey and will no doubt be much appreciated . Good luck racing to a finish.

  12. I also like the KISS method when it comes to machine quilting. It is a wonderful quilt and is sure to be loved and well used!

  13. Good luck with the machine quilting - rather you than me!!

  14. Stitch and Smile is a great approach!

  15. You did well to start working again on this quilt, it's going to be great!

  16. Congratulations on getting this one finished! I know it will be loved and appreciated. I have three quilt tops to quilt, I have been putting them off because I am not sure how to quilt them. I guess I finally decided on your theory, KISS, and I am just going to go for it. It is not like I am entering them in a competition or anything.


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