
Tuesday, July 8, 2014

The Last Basket Block and Some Flock of Geese Play

Still haven't killed off my flowers in the pots by the front door! Usually by this time of year I've forgotten to water at least once and the lobelia dies away until I can't even revive it anymore. 
Enjoying my flower pots
Since I'm determined to start a couple new projects, I thought it would be a good idea to get this last basket from the Baskets Galore BOM done and out of the way. I took one look at the pattern and just cringed. Seriously. Wendy said she wanted to challenge us a little, but wowsers, this one looked tough. Oh I was so surprised when it turned out to be one of my very best blocks! Do I just rush the easy looking ones too much? I would have done a victory dance, but my quilting room barely has room to turn around in, so I had to make do with a very large, cheesy grin.
Block #12
I put all the baskets on the wall together and I think they are fairly well balanced in color. Now to figure out what and how to set them. I'm really leaning toward some alternating applique blocks, maybe in some red and greens?
All the baskets are finished!
Then I got my Flock of Geese and little bluebird blocks out to play. If I use this really toned down brown as the sashing fabric then the flying geese blocks sort of pop--in a confident yet really serene way. I especially liked it when the direction of the flying geese blocks got changed up a bit, making them go every which way. Lots of good energy there! The sashing would have to be 6" wide (the same width as the bluebird blocks) but I've been wanting a quilt with super wide sashing forever. And yeah, I was thinking of a wide sashing all along. It was The Plan.
Flock of Geese layout auditions.....
Always amazing when I stick to The Plan! I usually treat it like a sticky note that gets peeled off and thrown away. lol  Anyway, there would be lots of background fabric to quilt later, but hey, I can probably cross that bridge when necessary. No sense worrying about the stitching pattern until later!


  1. Your garden is the colours of your basket blocks. It's great to see blue birds flying around that neutral fabric. Good luck following the plan, you just never know when another amazing idea will jump up and get you.

  2. Very pretty baskets and pots. I think the basket blocks deserve some alternating plain blocks so the detail doesn't get lost. Your bluebirds are so sweet, and wide sashing will give you lots of lovely quilting space.

  3. All those flower pots are lovely, great colors just like your quilts. Love those bluebirds with the flying geese, can't wait to see more of it!

  4. oh those bluebirds and flying geese is going to be a great quilt, can't wait to see more
    I am always thinking of how to quilt a quilt when I am sewing it together :)

  5. Keep watering those lobelia are just gorgeous. Mental note to plant some here next year ! :)

    Pretty basket bright and cheerful !

    These geese and birds are fun to see coming along : )

  6. Your basket blocks are wonderful and they do look great together. Looking forward to seeing more of your energetic bluebirds and flying geese.

  7. we have been getting a bit more rain that usual this year and if the rain isn't killing off some the plants in pots it is making them live - I have barely had to do any watering this year.

  8. I hope you don't mind but I had to pin your pretty flowers! They are perfect! Your basket blocks look fun and I know whatever you decide to do with them will be great. Those little bird blocks make me smile too. Fun to follow along your process!

  9. So beautiful basket blocks! Love love!

  10. Your flowers are so lovely and cool looking. Good reminder that I need to water my garden this morning!

  11. Your flowers are looking beautiful! Such beautiful basket blocks too! I look forward to seeing how you set them and also your Geese and Bird blocks! I know they will both be wonderful! You do such amazing work!

  12. I'm envious of your flowers! I have the same problem - I forget to water. Not to mention the summertime heat here is not conducive to many flowering plants. Applique blocks with the baskets sound intriguing - looking forward to seeing your choices!

  13. Your flower pots look gorgeous there, Audrey! Wonderful colours.

    And I like the way you're going with the flying geese, too. Looks really fun!

  14. Oh Audrey – your front door display of flowers looks amazing.

    Cheesy grin well deserved – your block is perfect – and the last one is done ! Im so looking forward to seeing this quilt in all it’s glory.

  15. With all your basket blocks together, I see that the colors and style of fabric please my taste very much.

  16. Fantásticas tus macetas!!!
    en mi casa nunca faltan las lobelias azul
    me gusta cuan consigo que broten las del año anterior
    me da mucha satisfacción
    aunque siempre compro alguna a principio de tenporada
    las cestas preciosas

  17. What a lovely flower display! All those blocks look great - cant wait to see more!

  18. Love your pots of flowers! You basket blocks are lovely, too, and I think green and red applique blocks will look wonderful with them. Look forward to seeing more of the Flock of Geese quilt. I love blues and green together.

  19. I think the victory dance could have limited horizontal movement, but lots of whooping and vertically movement! LOL Great job!


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