
Friday, June 6, 2014

One More Step Done

Working on my Pickle Dish/Wedding Ring quilt once again! I had a bit of a window without any kids at home and decided to throw it on the floor to audition the layout. 
Moving on with the Pickle Dish/Wedding Ring
Oops! Somehow I ended up with one melon too many with the red squares on the end. A little bit annoying, but an easy fix. I just made myself get the seam ripper out and get to it. No sense putting off what I know has to be done in order to move forward.
The big oops!
Mostly I just had to determine which four melons needed to be sewn together. After they have been sewn together (at the squares) in groups of four, then next up is appliqueing them to the background squares. I've noticed throughout blogland that some Pickle Dish quilts are machine sewn at this stage, but I'm following the Material Obsession pattern and those directions say to applique. Which makes me so very sad.*wink
I think it looks fairly balanced
After I got it the blocks the way I wanted, then I cut out little squares and marked them like this: 1a, 1b, 1c, 1d and then 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d etc. I have to have some order in the midst of chaos just to survive so don't knock it! Otherwise I sew two blocks together and then all of a sudden I'm totally confused in what order the next two go on.
Getting organized
Saves me lots of time and in this case, dozens of trips up and down the stairs from my living room to my quilting area! After they were all marked, I just stacked them carefully into a tote and took everything upstairs all at once. Whew! Lovely to get everything up off the floor. I've had quite a bit of family in and out for a week and a half and the quilty stuff laying on the floor would not even be noticed if it was in the way of getting to the X-box.
All together...
Anyway, I already have the sets of four sewn together--it really didn't take very long at all. Now I'm just waiting for life to calm down again to move on to the next step. Strange of me I know, but I want to have zero distractions when I start the applique process! haha Like that will ever happen!


  1. A wonderful project! Never realised it could be such a puzzle!

  2. I like the way it looks! great that you had some floor time without the kids tripping in. I am ready to start looking for the next "easy" quilt to start among all the challenging ones that I have going.

  3. Audrey, this is looking so fabulous!! I like the way the Material Obsession pattern offers applique as an alternative to piecing. It just goes to show there is always different ways of doing things.

  4. LOVE your colors and the layout. Have fun doing the applique, that's exactly what I love about quilting...there are always multiple ways to get the same result. Doing what you love is the key to making quilts you love. Personally, it would drive me batty to hand stitch those big units together but I know yours will be gorgeous. Can't wait to see it!

  5. I love how your quilt is coming together. It makes me want to make one! It has a great contemporary feel.

  6. I love the colors you're using! Can't wait to see this one finished.

  7. Wow Audrey, it looks amazing! I love it!

  8. Wonderful quilt! It does look like it could be confusing! I am glad you have a 'system".

  9. I LOVE this quilt SO MUCH! ;)

  10. Just keeps getting better and better.

  11. I so like the color combos you have used for your pickles. Especially the blue/green and red combo.

  12. This looks so good with those red squares!

  13. You have no idea how much you are going to love this quilt and be so glad you didn't quit...beautiful!!!

  14. This is gorgeous! Looking forward to seeing it progress to the next stage.

  15. I'm the same, Audrey -- I rip out mistakes as soon as possible, otherwise I start to dither. And I label my blocks thoroughly for the same reason as you -- everything has to be packed away at the end of the day. :) But it's looking good!

  16. LOL Don t you just hate when the kids [all blithe and oblivious] walk right over your carefully made and laid out quilt pieces.

    This is such a fun quilt! I can t picture the final stages of constructing it, looking forward to seeing how you do this.....

    lizzy at gone to he beach

  17. So funny about the quilt bits on the floor. Reminds me of the time my husband called the fire dept because our carbon monoxide monitor was alerting a potential problem. I was at work, my house was a mess, and I had the pieces of my first quilt spread out on our bedroom floor. The firemen were going through the whole house with their testing equipment and when they got to the bedroom my husband told them they better not mess up my quilt pieces on the floor! Apparently my husband got the message when I warned him not to mess up my layout!!

  18. Looks great and well balanced as you say. I'll be interested to see how the applique technique goes. I'm a bad piecer so maybe that's the way for me. I've always loved the pickle dish and yours is smashing!!

  19. LOVE watching this quilt progress - great colors and of course the design is awesome!

  20. Once in a while a quilt comes along that I have to take a really good look at - this is the one. I had to stare at your pictures for a while and take it all in. Makes me want to step up my piecing a bit! Take care, Pam

  21. This is a stunning pattern and very vibrant colors...lovely!


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