
Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Always Time to Play With Fabric

When I finished up my Muddy Creek quilt top, I was kind of disappointed about the unused fabrics I had pulled especially for that quilt. I really had it in my head that it would need more blacks and purples to further 'muddy' the color selection and well, it just never happened. When push came to shove I always went for contrast instead of blending.
Without the green
The funny thing is, I really, really don't want to pack those fabrics back in the totes! So... when I was looking around for possible fabric choices for the Flowering Snowball QAL, I decided to take another look at what was already sitting right in front of me. Will it work? Too dark?Too much/not enough contrast? I'm still considering.
#1 choice
I have the templates cut out, the fabric stacked together and now I'm playing with what green I would want to use for those little square centers. Obviously I'm looking at a complementary color scheme and in case you were wondering, the background would be the light cream {with a touch of gray in the print}. I rarely feel like a background has to be a lonely, single fabric, especially when I'm working the scrappiness angle.
#2 choice
I am currently swamped in trying to figure out how to get my Happy Flowers pattern properly written, graphics put together and all the details wrapped up with a bright shiny bow. My head literally feels like it could explode sometimes and I want to weep in gratitude when my daughter shows me in 2 minutes what I've been trying to accomplish in more than 2 hours. No exaggeration whatsoever. I am terribly backward and slow when it comes to computers. Way back in high school it was the DOS program, not Windows or Google. This whole effort is taking lots and lots of time. Wowsers, does it ever take over life as I know it!
#3 choice
My husband and I also made a run over to Spokane to pick up our oldest son at the airport. He's in town for about a week and then our oldest daughter will be flying back to Oklahoma with him for the second week of his Summer break (another trip back to Spokane). THEN, we will have to make the 2 1/2 hr. trip once again just to pick up our daughter and bring her back home. Good times for everyone even if mom and dad mostly end up with a long drive and a good meal.
#4 choice
We missed making it to the Buggy Barn quilt store by about 15 minutes on the last trip over though. So not fair, especially since my husband made us late by having to go to a 'really good yardsale'. I am determined to plan better the next trip or two over. Maybe if I'm the one driving? lol
#5 choice
So which green do you think pops the very best? The #3 choice looks really dreamy in person (kind of Jane Austin-ish), but I am really crushing on the #4 greens.


  1. I like #4 :) sounds like you need to do the driving next time!

  2. #3 struck my fancy right away. It blends so nicely. But if you want pop, I do like least the top two pieces. Not so much the third one down. You will get all sorts or opinions. You get to see the fabrics up close and personal and can be a much better judge of what works.

  3. I like #3 straight up too. And #4 would be my second choice. In the end it's you that has to love it. Happy driving, and I hope you can squeeze in some more patchwork stops.

  4. It's so difficult to judge fabrics from photos, but my gut reaction is #4. Especially since your other fabrics are so 'blendy' ~ these would provide nice little sparks. I was tempted by that QAL, but I already have a few projects going this summer. I'll sit in the bleachers and cheer you on, Audrey!

  5. #4 gets my vote. I think this will be beautiful in the pattern that you have chosen.

  6. 1 and 4 and 5...but you probably could have guessed that I couldn't choose just one. The scrappier the better!

  7. I have such a hard time deciding on fabrics! after looking over your selections, I have to say I really like #3 and the brights in #4. I guess it depends if you want some bright bits in the quilt or more subtle colors. (Jane Austen is my favorite author!)

  8. I love the light color sparkly look in number 5... brightens up everything... it's gonna be gorgeous.

  9. I love the light color sparkly look in number 5... brightens up everything... it's gonna be gorgeous.

  10. I would go for #5, but maybe #4 is more you... does that help?

  11. Hi Audrey, you should definitely drive next time lol... I would love to visit the Buggy Barn quilt store! My first choice was #3, and my second is #4. I love the original choice of fabrics, just gorgeous. Looking forward to seeing your quilt with these fabrics when it is made x

  12. Choice 2 jumps out at me. I'm sure it will be great whichever one you go with. I so get that 2 minutes vs 2 hours with computers - it is exactly like that at my house too. The Buggy Barn is fantastic!! What I wouldn't give to go there again!! My whole family also enjoyed the diner in Reardon for the cultural experience as well as the culinary :0)

  13. I like 4
    I wonder too if different monitors look different. Pretty pallet

  14. ooh these fabrics look wonderful...I say add #1 to #4 all these bright greens...
    hoping you get to take the wheel next time around...

  15. I am on the fence about this QAL. I love the pattern. Your fabrics are so yummy and I agree about #4. Wish I already that stash pulled and I would be good to go!!

  16. Number 1 or 4 / DOS!! LOL I forgot about that. I remember taking some course in HS and NONE of us but 2 guys understood it. And there was room full of these HUGE computers...The teacher pretty much gave us a or two easy tests to pass the course and then he mostly worked with the few geeks that cared and 'got' it! :)

  17. I also like #4. Seems like it would "pop" like you want. #5 might be too light and would blend with background? Hard to tell on computer screen.

  18. what a wonderful project this looks to be~! after visiting the links i'm half tempted to jump in myself . . . but. i. really. MUST. focus. on finishing a few other things for a while. probably quite a while, in fact. and so, i will live/sew vicariously through you and your project and be happy with that.
    btw: i like #4 too.


  19. Isn't playing with fabric fun?
    I'm,partial to the lime like greens :-)
    Always worth the drive to have the kids home!

  20. #1 or #4 or both together!
    The more the merrier!

  21. Yes, I agree, #4. The #5 green has too much white, but otherwise I like the other greens in that one as well.

    I always think green makes everything better!

  22. I thought I liked #3 best until I saw #4 - that's the one!

    I love the mustard quilting thread on your charming baskets.


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