
Saturday, May 3, 2014

New Graphics

A couple months ago my husband gifted me with the money to get a custom logo made up. He insisted. I did quite a bit of research and finally went with with Jamie over at Fresh Lavender Designs. Her graphics just seem fun and whimsical plus the price is excellent. So... why would I even want a logo made up?
The new logo. You can see it
better on the blog banner.
I've been considering making up my own patterns and trying to sell them on Etsy. Talking about it off and on, changing my mind and always thinking 'maybe LATER, it's not a good time right now'. I think he's tired of the dithering. Several people have made requests here on the blog too. It's very complimentary, but am I up for that? Me? I'm still dragging my feet, weighing every pro and con I can think up, but trying to be reasonable and logical about this all at the same time. If that's even possible. For sure I'm not in this for money (not that I don't need it), but mostly I really, really don't want to start a cycle of feeling stress and pressure for deadlines or 'new' product. Quilting is my therapy, relaxation and just pure, sheer fun in a oftentimes out-of-control world. I'm scared to death I'll ruin something that's been good to me by turning it into 'business'.

New avatar. So sweet!
Anyway, back to the custom logo. I wasn't sure what to expect when ordering my package from Jamie. I had a few ideas about what I wanted, but nothing concrete, otherwise I would have tried to get my daughter to draw me something! The communication is all pretty brief (through e-mails), which at times was frustrating to me as I'm someone who needs DETAILS. Jamie makes it clear what she needs though, and through a lot of back and forths, mostly me sending links to everything I like from fonts, graphics, color combinations and styles, she managed to work up a set of three logos for a starting point. I'm sure she would have loved it if I had adored a single one and moved on, but really, when you don't even know what you're looking for (yet somehow sure you'll recognize it when you see it) it's just not that easy. I could only wish. And to be honest, the first three logos were not quite what I expected. Maybe even a little disappointing at first as I had been so impressed with Jamie's work on Etsy and figured she'd be brilliant at reading my mind. haha

Okay, not knowing how to handle this made me nervous. After showing them to my daughters and getting their input (which I always value), I made myself step back and very carefully go over each and every detail in the three logos. I carefully picked out all the things I especially liked about each one and tried to think about a combination that would be the very best of all three. This really helped to clear my mind and focus in on what I was looking for in an end product. To be clear, Jamie was great to work with and every time I emailed her back with suggestions or ideas she picked up on my thought and made it even better. She showed me the same logo with two different fonts when I couldn't make up my mind, things like that. Exactly what makes her so busy and successful!
The new business card. So very pretentious. lol
Just so you know, the entire process took several weeks. So... frustrating at times, but totally worth it now! Especially now that I have a very personal, quilty logo! So amazing. Jamie really has a gift at making vague ideas come to life. I can't say how grateful I am that she put up with my pushiness about particular details that probably made no sense to her at all. It makes me smile every time I see the logo and I'm positive it will look wonderful on a quilt pattern. I also have a great avatar, a fabulous Etsy banner (for when and if I do the pattern thing), a business card, and a basic format to play with and/or add pictures to for my blog banner too. I couldn't see having a rigid banner that I couldn't change up the pictures on! The blog banner only took me a day or so to figure out, but that's because I'm so computer illiterate. Whether or not I push ahead with the pattern making, this has been an exciting experience. It kind of makes the quilting blog thing seem 'real'.*wink


  1. I love your logo. You are right it is fun and whimsical, just like I like my quilting. I wish you the best in your endeavors! Blessings always,

  2. Totally fabulous and looks like you!!

  3. Congratulations on your wonderful new logo and branding! It really does capture your style.

  4. It's so great...and for what it's've been very "real" to me all along, logo or not! LOL I am so glad that you were able to achieve something that is meaningful and will make lots of folks smile every time they see it, including me. You go girl!

  5. I think your logo is just perfect!! It was worth the 'process' even if it was frustrating at times. I wish you great success if you do enter into the 'business' of quilting. You are a very talented quilter!

  6. That's a big step forward. Your logo is great. Good for you!

  7. Well done, I love your new logo. Most design processes have their frustrating moments, the joy is working through to the end result you love........just like making a quilt! Good luck with your etsy plans.

  8. fantastic and good luck with your venture into patterns if you decide to do it. I know what you mean about keeping your stress level down! no pressure here for me - just not going to do it. I do sell quilts now and then but I have a place I do (a shop) that but only when I have them available and no contracts and deadlines -

  9. So excited for you that you got such a cool new LOGO and from all you have shared you made a lot of decisions that personalized it for you even more! Love the business cards too! What a great deal! Thanks for sharing and good luck if you decide to move forward with a business opportunity! Just keep the stitching part FUN! Kathi

  10. El logo es muy guapo y la tarjeta delicada
    suerte en sus planes de negocio

  11. I love the new design on your blog header. It looks amazing.

    Best of luck if you decide to venture into the pattern thing- Im sure you'll make a success of it if you decide to go ahead.

  12. It's a beautiful logo and it fits your work perfectly. I completely get the fear of making your love of quilting become the stress of a job, so don't feel pressured into doing something you don't want to do. A logo is a great way to identify you and your creations, whether you want to sell them or not. At anytime that you want to sell your stuff, you've got a jump on your marketing materials and that's important. In the meantime, keep creating and keep yourself happy, and the rest will follow! Take care, Pam

  13. I absolutely love your new logo. I have been thinking about a logo/banner for my blog and Etsy site too. I, like you, do not want to take my relaxing new hobby to the extreme of work but would like to brand myself so others know my work. I guess it would be kind of my signature.

    Enjoy your blog, one of my favorites.

  14. I love your new banner. You should definitely start selling patterns. I would buy, buy, buy because I am such a fan of your work. Hugs

  15. That would look cute as a little applique / embroidery piece! :)

  16. Beautiful logo - she did a great job. And how wonderful your husband gifted this to you. Congratulations and good luck!

  17. Beautiful and happy! It really suits you and your style.

  18. It's super cute, Audrey, and I agree with Nifty, it is a good fit for your style too. A successful collaboration!

  19. It's a great logo - so worth the angst! Congratulations!

  20. I think you have a talent for quilt design. Go for it! You have a plan that sounds very reasonable. And why not submit a design to the prim quilt magazine too?
    The new logo fits you. I would have a hard time coming up with what I would want for one.


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