
Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Little Bits of This and That

Wowsers, I've spent entirely too much time on the Net lately--first to check out the Sew Mama Sew giveaways and then since Friday, cruising the Bloggers Quilt Festival. I have two quilts entered this year, Spring Forward (my most recent quilt finish) and also Dutch Comfort, which many of you have seen before. It looks to me like the number of entries is down this year or is that just my imagination?
My new flowers-to-be
My daughter helped me to plant the flower pots this year. Love getting help without having to ask for it--so rare with teenagers! I don't usually plant very many as it can get expensive, but I do so love pulling up into my drive and seeing the pretty flowers during the dry summer months around here. I went a little crazy with my choices so we had enough leftover to plant two hanging baskets as well. No pictures of them, but hopefully they'll fill out and give us some love later on.
Happy Flowers
Speaking of flowers, I kept going back to my Happy Flowers quilt thinking it could use a little more attention. Finally I came up with the idea (with some prompting from my daughters who didn't like what I was currently auditioning) to add on another simple border. Bright but simple! That acid greenish-yellow print really made the flowers 'pop' which helps as the charcoal gray in the flower backgrounds can really subdue the colors in the quilt. Now the quilt is approximately 46 1/2" x 58". Big enough to leave as is. Maybe. Not sure I'm totally done with it now that I've started playing with it again!
New reading materials
I came home with the most recent Quiltmania magazine when I went shopping the other day. The only place to buy it semi-local is in a bookstore over an hour away from my home so you know I just stumbled across it by accident! This one is seriously loaded with great quilts and inspiration. Obviously I wasn't' the only want charmed by it as it was already a bit dog-eared. My mom also loaned me a new quilting book she got for Mothers Day. Hoping to find time to read through that also here in the next couple days. I can't believe we're already more than half through the month of May!


  1. I just love your Happy Flowers - they really do make me smile, so I guess they are doing their job! Great idea on the greenish-yellow border - I would have never picked it but it looks fantastic!!!

  2. I sure love those happy flowers!!! Your border adds a lot of interest too!

  3. I'm glad you're back working on Happy Flowers - such lovely blocks! I would never have picked that acidly green either but it works well - something I really like aBout your quilts is how different and unexpected they are :0)

  4. Just LOVE that latest border - it's ideal!

  5. I think the Bloggers Festival seems quieter this year, it has been a busy time with SMS giveaway day. I Love seeing your flowers grow!! You'll enjoy the Adding Layers book by Kathy Doughty.

  6. I have to go over an hour to get that magazine too but I don't want to pay for the subscription unless I know I want the issue! I too spend too much time on the computer. I think the number of entries in the festival is less also - or is it just because of the way it is broken into categories I haven't went through adding them up but it seems like a year or two there were over 400 entries and I don't think it is close to that this year. Love your quilts as always

  7. I thought the number of BQF entries was less this year too but I went back and did a quick check of a few of the categories. I think it looks like less because they aren’t all sitting on one big list.

    Happy Flowers is looking good- I think the border addition really lifted it to something extra special.

    Ive been gardening too – which is nothing short of a miracle!

  8. Love the new border - great colours and design to complement the flowers! Great new reading material too.

  9. Me gusta la colcha flores felices,
    El borde que has elegido le queda genial
    deseo ver esas macetas crecer, cuando planto mis flores las miro cada momento para ver cuanto han crecido después de 5' ¡¡¡ soy muy impaciente!!!

  10. that border is brilliant. Book look good too. :)

  11. Perfect border for Pretty Flowers... just love how you put unexpected fabric colors together and they look wonderful!
    Spring and summertime flowers always lift my spirits too! In no time at all, they'll be bloomin' big time!

  12. The Quilt Mania magazine issue is fantastic. I could make most of the items in there!! I am thinking about the Di Ford mystery quilt---but don't want that exact chintz that is in her block

  13. Love those Happy Flowers, the use of that green fabric with the waves is great, especially against the white. Quiltmania is the best! It is the only magazine (on any subject) that I buy and keep coming back to. Di Ford is a very talented lady, I have two wip's by her: Sarah Morrell and Phebe....lovely patterns, but a lot of work...

  14. Love the new border on your Happy Flowers!

  15. I really like the new border you have added to your quilt - it does add some sunshine to it!

  16. I think your daughters have a good eye, Audrey! The simple border is perfect.

    I haven't had time yet to browse the festival at all. Soon, hopefully!

  17. I do love your Happy Flowers quilt - and the new yellow border is fabulous! Enjoy your reads - I have then both and they're great.

  18. I purchased the same Quiltmania magazine. The grocery store I shop at carries it so I took it out of the grocery budget lol! It's a great issue with lots of "must makes"! Love your Dutch Comfort is lovely!


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