
Thursday, April 3, 2014

Oooh, How Fun To Start a New Project!

Don't you just love the feeling of starting a new project? All the fresh colors and possibilities... I must confess to having this one cut out for awhile, squirreled away and waiting for the perfect time to jump in and start sewing pieces together. These greens have really been pulling at me lately, probably because of the very long winter we just came out of.
My new Flock of Geese quilt
All of these flying geese units were cut out using the Easy Angle method, something I've been wanting to reacquaint myself with. I used Bonnie Hunter's great directions to get started and after my initial uncertainty, things went really well. I've had the Easy Angle ruler and the Companion Angle ruler for years now, but for some reason I had switched to a different method a zillion years ago and never went back.
Lovely to see these sewn together...
Gotta say that for me, these geese are turning out to be much more accurate with this method. Will know for sure after I get the whole pile sewn up and ironed. (I do kind of have a tendency to start drifting on my stitching after I've been at it for awhile!)
Binding for Plain Jane
I've also been working on the binding for Plain Jane, mostly in the evening while my daughter is working on her senior project. She's trying to put together a family cookbook that is consuming boat loads of her time and definitely trying her patience too. Not being an experienced cook, she needs a lot of help interpreting all the recipes she's been receiving from our very large family. I've tried to work on hand piecing while helping her out, but I keep getting distracted and then find something sewn wrong yet again! Much better to work on something simple like binding which can practically be done on auto-pilot.

A big thank you to everyone who was kind enough to give feedback on my previous post. As a mostly self-taught quilter, I often hesitate before posting anything that will come off sounding like 'advice' or look like I'm trying to set myself up as an expert. How wonderful to see that the on-line quilting community is big enough to accommodate quilters from all walks of life and/or experiences.


  1. I too am self taught and never really think I know what I am doing - certainly not to the point of giving advice! I have the urge to start several new projects - I am trying to control myself

  2. The lure of a new project ~ I think I've finally decided that there are never too many projects in process. Sometimes they fizzle out before they get very far and sometimes they need to marinate a while but all contribute to the next finished project, in some way or another.

  3. Oh yes, it is great to start a new project, so exciting! And good luck for your daughter with her senior project, do you get to try any of what she makes? Or is it all about writing the recipies?

  4. I also use that method to make flying geese, love it too! New projects are always fun!

  5. I am hooked on the Easy Angle ruler. The greens look great.

  6. Love your daughters project - a family cook book sounds like a lot of fun.

    I think maybe a new project is what I need to get my creative mojo flowing again. Im going to give that some more thought. Love what you're doing!

  7. Your previous post was spot on! Very well written, and helpful tips that only come from hands on experience. You have a wealth of information and I appreciate the things you shared. I keep a notebook by the computer to write down various blogs so I can use as a reference later, or for photos that inspired me, or quilts that are for future goals. I have you in my notebook!

  8. wow thats a lot of flying geese! I usually make 4 at once, then I trim them to the right size. I've never tried the easy angle. Sewing binding is one of my favorite parts of quilt making. It is easy sewing and means I'm almost there!


  10. I have the Easy Angle but don't use it much. Pattern directions seldom call for one. I need to remember to get it out for my next flying geese venture. So many quilts have flying geese units in them.

  11. I have to thank you again for that great post! I was stalled for a while but you gave me a gentle push back to my sewing room and I just jumped in and got back to work (and hopefully I'll write about it soon!) Take care, Pam

  12. I'll have to check out your link about the Easy Angle ruler. Not even sure I have one? I have a drawer stuffed with specialty rulers, most of which I never even use. How silly is that?

    I actually started TWO new projects this month! Oh, and trying to finish a very old project that I ran across, so that actually makes 3 things to work on at the same time. Hmmm, that could be dangerous! :)

    I wish your daughter luck with the cookbook. Sounds like a fun project, especially if it's done by someone else. ha ha ha!

  13. Funny - I am trying to NOT start anything new until I get a better grip on all the stuff I have going.

  14. I love starting projects which is why I have so very many of them. And, I love green so am looking forward to seeing what you are up to with your flying geese.


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