
Friday, April 11, 2014

My Little Flock of Geese

Ahhh....Working with all these greens feels wonderfully refreshing. It's been a long time since I worked with this much green in one quilt without adding in a ton of brown fabrics. ('Cuz that's what I generally do--add brown.) And actually, in case you hadn't noticed, there IS brown in this quilt too! I just tried to be a little more discreet about it.
Flock of Geese
The creamy subtle looking plaid is something I just happened to notice lurking around in the clearance bin sometime last year. I bought everything that was left on the bolt (maybe 2 yds. worth) and really, really wished I had seen it earlier when there was more of it to take home with me. I try hard not to go crazy about clearance fabric because I always wonder if it's the price that makes me think I like it or if I really do like it. I'm sure you know exactly what I mean. But cream fabric does have a way of getting used around here and I do love plaids so.... great combination! And hmm.. not regretting this impulsive purchase for one minute now that I see it in action!
Possible block
I'm planning on making 21 blocks with 18 flying geese units each, {20 blocks to use in my quilt and then one extra}. Always nice to have one to toss out completely or pull in and out as the layout is being figured out.
Flock of Geese
The crazy thing is, I'm not even halfway through this quilt top and I'm already making plans for my next green quilt. It's obviously contagious. I'd advise you not to look if you're the least bit vulnerable.*wink

On another note, I want to just mention that if you don't receive a reply back to your comments here on this blog it means you're a 'No Reply Commenter' which is a super easy fix! Lori has a link on her sidebar that will give you instructions on how to fix this if you're having problems with bloggers never returning your comments. I always try to find a way to search out your e-mail and get a response back, but well, sometimes it's just not possible--there are no e-mails linked directly to you or maybe you're google plus and I'm not. If you have a blog I'll even try and reply back in your post comments, but I won't do that for long! I want to comment about your gorgeous quilting there, not my trifling efforts! If it's a privacy thing, then no worries--just know that your comments are always loved and appreciated around here anyway!


  1. Oh this green looks fresh and delightful! Making a flying geese quilt is on my "to make someday" list and these pictures are exciting me. Love them!

  2. That is a lot of green! It does look fresh, like new leaves at springtime!

  3. They feel like the green sprouts of spring!

  4. I am having a hard time resisting starting a new project - but I must stick with the plan to make some finishes!

  5. I am not vulnerable to green at all, but your geese blocks look lovely and will make a great quilt.

  6. Love your greens and the idea of making an extra block. Hugs

  7. verde !!! me gusta los gansos volando,
    verde es mi color favorito en todo
    (quizás es que mi región tiene todos los verdes que uno pueda imaginar)
    buen fin de semana

  8. Looking really good. I grew to love green about 15 years ago. Prior to that I hated green in quilts. Go figure.

  9. Yay for green!! Trees, grass, frogs and pretty quilts.

  10. Pretty greens! Yes, I'm drawn to greens at this time of year too. Your geese look great! I need to make a green quilt because I can't fit any more greens on my shelf!

    Why are we always so far ahead of ourselves - planning the next quilt before we've made much progress on the one we're doing? I do that a lot too.

  11. I'm hooked--now I want to make a green quilt! Can't wait to see what happens next.

  12. Love all those greens! Very Spring!!!

  13. Just love the greens - can't wait for them all to be together. And I couldn't help but smile about your clearance fabric musings - sometimes I think that you and I share a brain :) (could be scary for you!).

  14. I love flying geese and yours are so pretty! What method are you using to make them? Just wondering if you use one of the methods to make multiples at once :)

  15. So many greens. I like seeing lots of different fabrics in a quilt.

  16. This is looking is my favorite color so now I want to make flying geese too...any old excuse to start something new!

  17. I finally fixed the no reply, I think. Can you reply so I can check it?

    Like your new project but I would have to do it in blues. Not a green fan at all.

  18. my favourite colour! Your geese are looking great.

  19. Working with green makes sense in early any season of course but especially now when green means fresh grass, leaves on trees coming back, etc. Just starting to see a bit of that here..your geese are wonderful! :)

  20. I love all the quilts you are working on. I am new to following your blog but would like to know where I can get the patterns. I love the large tulip quilt and your big stitch choices.
    I hope you can get some time today for quilting!

    1. Thank you! Most of what I make these days is my own design.:)


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