
Saturday, March 29, 2014

A Few Odds and Ends

I've been piddling around in the quilt room trying to get some things figured out. Turns out that I don't want to put another border on my Flowers and Flying Geese quilt after all. I think instead of a blue border, I'll wait and use it for binding. Anything else just feels unnecessary at this point, although 60" x 67" is a bit smaller than I'd hoped for this quilt.
Flowers and Flying Geese
Nice to get something cleared off the UFQ list and so easily too! All the eyes for the pickle dish/wedding ring quilt are finished up now--been sewing several a day. I've read through the pattern and think I probably understand the next step. Not feeling quite ready to attack it though, so on to the next project for now...
Pickle Dish/Wedding Ring quilt
I'm not a big fan of working with parallelograms, but that Cactus Basket in the Basket Galore BOM kind of got me intrigued. Why oh why do I do this to myself??? Machine stitching it didn't work out so well with the BOM basket, so I'm prepping these for hand piecing. Hopefully I won't mangle them too much.
Prepping for some new blocks
I drew the outside edges with an ink pen, but the inside stitching marks were marked very lightly with pencil. That should help me end up with a more precise looking block.
More prep work
My plan is to make this variation of the Cactus Basket that I drew up for a 14" block.  With the help of my very magic rotary cutting book, I think all the pieces should go together properly.
Cactus Basket variation
I'm going to start with 12 blocks, but who knows? They may be so much fun I end up wanting to make more...... lol


  1. Pretty baskets, and great news about finishing those pickle dishes. Would you believe I have never made either? Maybe some baskets might have to go on my agenda for some time soon.

  2. I always mark my seam for hand piecing too and they go together so well - sometimes I use the Inklingo program but sometimes I just draw it out like you did here

  3. Lovely basket, like the fabrics. And for handpiecing I always mark the sewing line, I really need that line.

  4. I find I have so much more control and accuracy with hand piecing. I also make sure I mark my sewing line as well because if I didn't who knows what I would end up with!

  5. I've been printing the patterns for the Baskets Galore. Good idea to hand piece. I love your cactus basket. Hugs

  6. I have been collecting the Baskets Galore patterns but haven’t made the first one. Some of them look quite fiddley and I am not very good at hand piecing. Yours are turning out great.

  7. You are busy - and all of your projects are looking great!

  8. The Flowers and Flying Geese quilt looks perfect the way it is - and that size is good for a snuggle rug .

    Now I know where my mojo went- you seem to be hogging it !

  9. Glad you have all that sorted out and your basket look lovely.

  10. I love parallelograms when I;m looking for some hand-piecing. I think you'll be really happy with the process. You can always put them down and pick them up! Take care, Byrd

  11. nice basket and great drafting skills!
    those pickle dish pieces are awesome, looking forward to those coming together.

  12. I like the addition of the applique to the basket block. Creative.
    I am very much looking forward to seeing the pickle dish parts going together. I just know it is going to be something I like.


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