
Friday, February 21, 2014

Maybe I'm in a Pink Phase?

So I went pink with the Happy Flowers setting triangles. It seemed appropriate and very springy all at the same time. The Geese Tracks quilt had to come off the wall though in order to put Happy Flowers up. That was tough because I've been enjoying coming into my quilting room and taking a good look at it everyday.
Next up on the wall....
Some day I will have a larger design wall, but that's so far in the future I don't even stress over it. These flowers are just pure fun in their chunky old fashioned design and I'm wondering what will be next for them. Probably some sort of narrow border to enclose and 'pop' a color and then maybe another pieced border? I'm quite bemused by all my medallion style quilts going on right now. Don't ask me to explain the unexplainable. It just is.*wink
Happy Flowers
What I do find difficult these days is the fact that the RSS feeds are very slow to pick up on my posts lately. Other than Bloglovin', all the other feeds seem to take 6-8 hrs minimum to update. I'm not very computer savvy so although I've done tons of research on-line, I'm no closer to an answer than I was when this first started (a couple weeks ago). Anyone know what I can do about this? Is it a Google or Blogger thing? The only thing I've found to help is if I 'update' my blog a couple hours after I hit publish, but even that doesn't always work wonders. Good thing I'm not dependent upon my stats for a living!


  1. I've noticed the same thing with your RSS feed, Audrey. I don't know why!

    But, I love these happy flowers, AND the pink and red dot fabric for the setting triangles. I think that thematically it works very well, with the dots and the round flowers.

    I have one old UFO that's given me a lot of trouble, and I recently decided to add another border to it, too! So this medallion thing is contagious. ;)

  2. Love your darling flowers; your choice of pink was perfect! I am a terrible computer person, so of no help! I saw your flowers on pinterest and wondered who made those darling blocks!

  3. Audrey, I love "Happy Flowers". I like the flower design and the pink sets it off so well. Makes me want to make one like it.

  4. have no idea on the computer stuff my husband is my computer guru LOL - I haven't a clue. design walls are neat but floors work too don't they :)

  5. Woohoo!! that setting fabric is brilliant!! It's fun, bright and and full of pizazz!! I notice some blogs don't appear as fast as others, and some appear on Bloglovin before they appear on my side bar. I have no idea why, so I can't help you with that.

  6. If I see pink, I think Spring, so thank you from the bottom of my heart. Those chunky flowers are definitely a fun thing to look at it. As for the feeds, I wish I had the updates that everybody else seems to have on their sidebars. I would like to feature post titles from all the blogs I read, but I have absolutely no clue how to do that (it may not be a Typepad feature - should I switch?). I like how Bloglovin' posts immediately, but my original feed is set on a timer which you have to commit to and I don't like it. Oh well. Take care, Byrd

  7. Those flowers and the pink setting fabric make me happy! I love the fun feel of them. I am sadly uneducated in the computer universe, so I have no morsel of wisdom to offer about that. Good luck with it though. Have a great weekend!

  8. Your template and all the apps have to play nice together. Some play better together than others. It's a lot of combinations when you add up all the variables. Love Happy Flowers. The setting fabric is perfect!!

  9. This is such a happy quilt! I love the big, bold flowers and the pink polkadot fabric goes so well with it. Love pink in quilts anyway.

  10. The Happy Flowers is a knock out with the pink...I'm with Karen...I want to make one too...hint hint...maybe a pattern in your future???

    and you look so organized too...that'll never happen here

  11. It is fabulous. Love the big dots, what fabric is that? As I found out with Pink Pickles, it does seem to be an in color right now. And I'm in the same place with the medallion quilts, I see them in all my quilt layouts. Great job so far.

  12. I love this quilt. The flowers are so beautiful. I wouldn't have thought to use polka dots for the setting triangles...but it works. Hugs

  13. I love this quilt ~ everything about it!! The blocks are kind of 30s-ish and those pink dots are a perfect choice to set them off. I don't see many quilts that surprise me anymore but this one is delightful!!

  14. I dont even have a design wall so you’re one up on me !

    The pink dots go together beautifully with what you had already done. Sweet!Im totally loving seeing this coming together.

    Blogger is taking a really long time to update posts for me too . Hours and hours sometimes. I dont know that there is anything we can do about it.

  15. Oh, yes, the polka dot fabric for the setting triangles is perfect. Lovely!

  16. Love what you did with that quilt! I am noticing the same as you as far as updating posts.


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