
Sunday, January 26, 2014

More Muddy Creek Borders

Me and my ideas. Sometimes I just have to laugh at how wrong I can be about what a quilt seems to need. This next border was supposed to kind of blend into the previous one (in my very grand imagination) but nothing was working out. All of my fabric was wrong, wrong, wrong.
Muddy Creek
Oh well. I snagged this striped piece of fabric in desperation and thought, hmmm... what about this? Thankfully there was enough to use for this particular border because it all just clicked into place. Exactly what the quilt was begging for and I immediately jumped right into 'hey, for the next border I could maybe do this?' Snip, snip with some scrap fabrics to test out my ideas and well, the rest of that striped fabric is now in the scrap bin, that's how little was leftover. I'm telling you, whatever works is golden around here--I almost framed the leftovers....

I'm having a terrible time getting decent pictures of this quilt. Depending on the time of day I take the pictures, it can look very blendy and murky and at other times I can see a bit of sparkle. Bear with me on this as it's actually looking quite nice now that I've perked it up with the lighter border.*wink
Another border for Muddy Creek
If you look back at the first picture, you can probably see where I'm going with this little drawing on the graph paper. I need about 20 4" blocks for the next border and the most difficult piece to get right is the curvy diamond shape.
Trying to draw my applique pieces
Once I have it figured out, then I trace it onto template plastic and start cutting out my little applique pieces. Prep, prep, prep.
Ready to make a template
I have my stack of fabrics all waiting and ready to go--lots of scrappiness for this quilt! Hopefully by the end of the day I will actually be doing the stitching on these sweet little blocks. Now I'm going to link up to Kathy's Slow Sunday Stitching. Love, love, love her post about our creative hands today.


  1. Love the border you added! It looks spectacular... I am planning a project with stripes and want them to all face in like that... I really like it more now that I see your border done that way! Can't wait to see the next border :) Kathi

  2. The striped border looks great, but stripes always do.

  3. I love how you are letting your liberated quilt talk to you and let you know what it needs next

  4. Love it when that happens - looking really good. And those little applique blocks, I just might have to "borrow" that idea :).

  5. The stripe looks great, but what's coming next, you have me intrigued!

  6. that is neat designing as you go but yes sometimes finding the right fabric is the problem - what you have there though looks great.

  7. Love the color and flow of design with this piece.

  8. It is a very good border - wonderful how it fell into place for you! Good luck with your applique pieces.

  9. Isn't it great when you finally get the right piece of fabric and it just clicks into place!! Muddy Creek is looking fantastic!!

  10. The borders are looking good - great choice!

  11. I loved the quilt without the borders, but that striped fabric adds so much more. Looking forward to see what's next. Take care, Byrd

  12. You are so right about the striped is perfect! Also, I really like that you make templates the high-tech way like me. :) Graph paper just makes me smile. Thanks for sharing this bit of loveliness!

  13. Great decision on the border - I think the stripes look fantastic!

  14. Creative people like you are so inspiring. Love your borders.

  15. Love that stripey bakcground - great great piece! the hst are great for the border

  16. Thanks Audrey! Don't you just love when the quilt finally accepts a fabric choice and the creativity is flowing again?!?
    Thanks for linking up and hope your enjoyed your Slow Sunday Stitching!

  17. The stripe was a great choice and added a spark. Glad you had it. That's why it's important to have a stash!

  18. That border is perfect Audrey!

  19. Perfect choice for the border. It's so funny when an unexpected fabric works so well and nothing else will do. Looking forward to seeing your progress on the next border.

  20. I can just imagine your sewing area after auditioning all those fabrics, as you search for just the right one! Yesterday evening I spent time in my sewing area, not to sew, I had to put back all the fabrics I had pulled out to make a Kris Kringle gift.
    I love the direction your Muddy Creek quilt top is taking.

  21. I see you have a complicated plan for the next round. I love complicated plans! I am very interested to see it unfold. The striped fabric worked perfectly -- how nice to unearth the exact right thing!

  22. i really like where this is going~!!~
    i hope that you were able to get the stitching that you wanted to do done on it . . . am looking forward to the next reveal.


  23. Love those stripes! And that dark (black or dark brown) and white fabric of the 4 smaller flowers works wonderfully!

  24. That striped fabric looks like it was made for that quilt! Excellent choice ... it's taken a beautiful quilt (so far) and turned it into a spectacular one!

  25. The stripe works well. You let the quilt talk to you and went with the flow. All is good.


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