
Sunday, November 3, 2013

The Forever Project is Moving Into the Next Phase

This will have to be a quick post 'cuz it's Sunday and there's a lot going on around here. I thought I had finished sewing all my bow-tie blocks together and then....
hand pieced bow-ties
well... I obviously don't know how to count. Five blocks short, can you believe that? (The short row is cut off in the picture.) I went ahead and laid them out on the floor to see what they looked like all together. Hmm... That was an experience. It literally took me two hours to make something look good decent. Sometimes I wonder if I even know what I'm doing? The last 5 blocks will have to wait for when I get closer to the last row because I just want to move on. For now, I'm going to be learning how to piece these things together into proper looking rows. Wish me luck! Once again, it's time to link up to Kathy's Slow Stitching Sunday!


  1. sorry you miscounted - I do that sometimes too and it is always a pain.

  2. Sounds like you will have to rename this project if it is moving to the next stage of completion! Thanks for linking up!

  3. Yep, that could happen to me too. It looks great though, wonderful colors!

  4. It's looking wonderful!! Just a few more blocks... you'll whip them up in no time... :)

  5. Hate that when it happens.....I then waste time looking for the blocks I thought I had, then I do another recount just to make sure that I am short!

  6. Love the colours. Good luck making more to complete your top!

  7. Looks good Audrey!!!! I'm so glad that you are progressing!!! I LOVE it!!


  8. It's looking great! I bet it feels good to get to start sewing the rows together.

  9. Yep- Ive done that before too- the feeling of disappointment when you realise you arent finished after it is awful. 5 blocks will get done in not time - and what you have done looks brilliant!

  10. Aaw - what a pain!! Looking good with the rest though!

  11. I've done that, made the needed blocks and then realized I had the layout wrong and I did have the correct amount the first time! Your blocks look amazing! Will this be a completely hand pieced quilt when done?

  12. Your bowties are looking excellent! I wouldn't worry too much about the layout, I think it will be very forgiving with all the turquoise to tie (lol) it together!


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