
Sunday, November 17, 2013

I Thought I Knew How it Was Going to Look

Lots going on this weekend. We finally had the birthday party for my youngest--13 yrs. old! Now we have 4 teenagers all at the same time. Crazy stuff. I did get my geese tracks blocks sewn together and thrown up on the wall. Hm... Not sure about this yet. I really did think I knew what I was doing when I planned out my colors!
Geese Tracks on the wall
There is going to be black in the rest of the quilt so I thought a little would be good, but now I'm thinking it's a bit stark. All the backgrounds are a very light gray which comes off as white in these pictures.
6-1/2" Geese Tracks blocks
Definitely going to have to consider this one a bit more before I take off on the rest of my quilt idea. Oh well, it's not like I don't have anything else to work on.*wink


  1. That's one of the surprises with quilting. Its not over though till the fat lady sings. You may find some very fancy quilting on the finished top lifts this a bit. I like the colours though - very old worldy and antiquey looking.

  2. I was going to say what Shay said about the quilting will make the blocks look less stark. Though I do think the blocks look great! Happy birthday to your 13 year old.

  3. love your quilt blocks. Have fun with 4 teenagers in the house :) it can be a chore and a delight I'm sure although I only had two.
    I just used the batting I won from you in my Child's Play quilt and working with it by machine was great. I was going to use it in a hand quilted quilt but decided it would be for this one instead, I had very little leftover - enough for a sewing machine cover maybe? thanks again for that win last month :)

  4. I really like that grey background and I am super impressed that those blocks are 6 1/2" - yowza!

  5. Another great quilt in the making, Audrey! I don't know how you manage to accomplish as much as you do.

  6. Quilts sometimes have a mind of their own. I know you and your quilt will have a meeting of your minds soon.

  7. Four teenagers!! I know life is full :). You will figure out what your quilt needs, just keep listening until it talks to you.

  8. I chuckled when I read the title of this post. I can't tell you how many times that title has popped into my head for posts. I always think I've imagined what blocks will look like and then am surprised when I see them together. I guess that's why we have design walls, huh?

    I don't know what you envisioned but I think these blocks have a lot going for them. They look like "you."

  9. Four teenager, wow, I already find one at a time a handful (there is 7 years between our kids). Great blocks, love that pattern, as for the black, a matter of taste. Looks very modern, nice contrast with the traditional block.

  10. I never really know what my quilts are going to look like until they are finished. Your blocks look great and I know you will work things out and end up with another gorgeous quilt!

  11. I think your blocks look great - I like the grey. Like everyone else has said, it will come together eventually, but I sure understand about it not being quite what you had envisioned. I think that happens to everyone at some point!
    Good luck with the teenage years! They are wonderful and challenging all at the same time. Quilting can be a real life-saver some days!

  12. me gusta mucho !!!! seguro que termina siendo precioso

  13. I like your blocks - maybe do a few more before making any decisions?


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