
Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The Big Broken Dish--Sometimes the Hard Part is Getting Started...

There's something about this time of year that makes me want to burrow into my little sewing room and quilt for days on end. Probably not very wise to completely ignore my family, so I try to have projects on hand that I can work on in the living room occasionally too! They might appreciate that or not, but I do make the effort.
Applique work on The Big Broken Dish
There's usually not much guilt with my ufq's because I know I'm gonna get back to them eventually, but this 'Big Broken Dish' quilt? Wowsers, has it really been pushing all my guilt buttons lately. You know how people like to say that if you're avoiding a quilt, not moving into the next phase, then there's something wrong. That's anxiety, doubt, blah, blah, blah. Uh uh. Not with this quilt. I just. Plain. Dreaded. Sewing. The letters onto the quilt.

So I decided to attack the beast. I made lists. (I do like my lists). And I made sure that this quilt was at the very top. (See, that increases my guilt substantially if I keep trying to ignore the quilt). Check. Now for the real work. I've heard that it helps if you actually put thread to fabric... Check. One word down, three more to go! Looks like it was mostly all in my head. Memo to self--previously trimming and clipping the pieces was pure genius. lol


  1. I completely get what you're saying . . . uh,writing. I just appliqued two words, (11 letters total) and I'm done for the night. It took some time and honestly I was nervous starting it but I'm pretty happy with the results. Good luck and take care, Byrd

  2. I've got a few of those quilts.... that give me guilt feelings..... they are still in their box, have not given in yet......

  3. So glad you're over the hump and working on your list and this quilt. I'm marred to a list maker, totally get it. Can't wait to see this one.

  4. I had to smile and even chuckle a little - sounds like me on certain projects!!! So glad your is going now!!! It is going to be fun!!


  5. It's fun to get going on a long lost project. Funny how it never ends up being as dreadful or hard as we think it will be.

  6. Okay, why do I have this feeling that I need to go put some words on a quilt now? What have you done to me!?! Hahaha

  7. Isn't it funny how once you tackle something that has sat there for ages it's never as bad as we thought. I think I have some of those but I've blocked them from my memory so I don't feel guilty about them, there's a right day and place for every project.

  8. I don't feel bad about having lots of quilts in progress either. I do find that often what I dread doing really isn't so bad after all except maybe going to the dentist!

  9. I agree with Rachael ..once you get started its never as bad as you were dreading . You're quarter of the way there - keep pushing on!

  10. I am chuckling as I have a little quilt in the works that will need words added. Should I use wool for the words or embroider. How will I get the letters spaced out. Are the letters big enough. That's the kind of stuff going through my mind as I have no pattern for the words I want to add.

  11. I know the feeling of finally doing something you dreaded and it not being so bad. Do you have a post on how your prepped the letters? Look forward to seeing more of this quilt.


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