
Monday, September 9, 2013

Lots and Lots of Bow-tie Blocks

I'm back and still trying to settle in properly. It feels so odd to leave the routine of my life for a couple weeks and then come home only to view things from a fresh perspective. My youngest sister had an unexpected sewage problem that ended up with some major master bath/laundry room remodeling issues. Oh and it was such perfect timing too seeing as she was two weeks or so from her due date! All is well now thank goodness and she has a 8 1/2 pound little boy named Jagur. Sweetest little guy ever and I miss him already.
A stack of bow-tie blocks to count
In between the hundreds of trips to Home Depot, the laundry mat, etc. I somehow managed to squeeze in some time for hand piecing. It certainly didn't feel like I had much time for hand work, but really, everyone deserves to sit and rest in the evenings don't they? lol
I was so shocked to see how many I had finished up!
I admit to desperately wanting to work on another project after a very short while, but it feels good to see the results of forced project monogamy! Mostly I was just thankful to have something to sew together. Anything! I think it greatly helps my frame of mind to be more positive during these odd stressful moments in life although I doubt I would have been satisfied with something like mending. Okay. Let me rephrase, it definitely needs to be some form of quilting for me to properly benefit from the doing!
A very sweet gift from Diane!
It was too much fun to finally get home and then see this magazine and very large 'scrap' of fabric waiting for me! Diane of Butterfly Threads was kind enough to send it to me as she has a very cute pattern in the current issue and had an extra magazine or two hanging around! Her scrap of fabric is a whole lot larger than what I would personally consider a scrap, but I gleefully accepted regardless. Quilters are continually amazing me with their kindness and generosity. Oh, and btw, I am way behind on my emails and blog reading, but look forward to having the time to catch up!


  1. lots and lots of bowties! congrats on the new nephew!

  2. Welcome back! I'm sure your sister loved the help, and how fun to meet the new guy right away.
    Congrats on your win.
    The bow ties look great. Amazing what you can accomplish in those 'stolen moments' of sitting.
    Plenty of the to catchup on the were busy with important manners.

  3. What a beautiful rainbow of bowties you have! I really must start on those myself (how many times have I said that?) hahaha I do hope you enjoy the magazine and fabric, glad it was there to welcome you home! And congrats on the new little nephew.

  4. Ah... time management! I wish I were better at it ~
    Your turquoise bow ties are looking quite delicious. And I like that you're hand piecing them, a feat I've yet to accomplish. They just look so cool that way. Welcome home, and good luck with all your projects - quilting and otherwise!

  5. Glad to see you are back...maybe not well rested but rejuvenated at least. Lovely that you were able to spend time with your new nephew!

  6. Well, you certainly didn't have a dull time. Congratulations to your sister on the birth of Jagur, how wonderful that you got to spend the early days with him. Good on you for sewing all of those bow ties!! How perfect to have a welcome home present waiting for you.

  7. Wow, you did get a lot of bow ties stitched up!! Bravo!! So glad all is well with sister and little Jagur!!!


  8. Welcome back. Glad you were there to support your sister and get some stitching done.

  9. Congratulations on the new arrival and welcome back. Great to find such a lovely surprise on your arrival back home. Enjoy getting back to your routine & sewing.

  10. It must have been lovely & exciting to be there for the birth of your nephew. I look forward to hearing about your ongoing sewing journey, once you have settled back into your routine at home.

  11. Congratulations on the new family addition. Babies are such a joy .

    Talk about a plethora of bow ties! Surely you;re close to having enough for a top?

  12. Wow, you've got a lot of bowties there! So glad you got some time for some hand work while helping your sister. Congrats on the new nephew!

    I have to agree - it needs to be quilting-related stitching to be peaceful and relaxing. Mending smacks too much of work, doesn't it?

  13. So nice that you were there for your sister! That's what I like about hand piecing - so portable and easy to whip out and start stitching. You sure did get a lot done. They are going to make a fabulous quilt! I imagine it's good to be home. Look forward to seeing what project you choose next!


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