
Friday, August 16, 2013

More Quarter Circle Progress

Yesterday evening I was working away on my quarter circles blocks, trying to unwind after a longish day getting a few things checked off of my ongoing to-do list. My daughter was coming in and out talking about the upcoming school year and prodding me to admit that summer is slipping away right in front of my eyes! Yay! It's time to do some school shopping! (I'm thinking it'd be nice if I can slip in a new pair of shoes and underwear for me this year?) lol
More progress on the quarter circles
These blocks are going together very well, some a bit wonky, some not. I'm fine with that now. However they turn out is good enough at this point! I was hoping to work on getting the top together this coming weekend, but it sounds like we have company coming in and I shouldn't even be taking the time to post today.  I have bookwork to do in the office, grocery shopping to take care of and of course before I even leave the house I need to load coupons onto the Safeway card.  I hate the time it takes, but sometimes it can save me enough money to almost pay for my fuel to town and back.
Only two or three more to finish!
I will have 30 of these blocks altogether when I finish sewing the last ones.  Enough to make a good sized quilt or to pick and choose which ones look best together. I am thinking the setting could get interesting considering the fact that the red and white sashing is unlikely to perfectly match up. Oh, I do so like to make life interesting don't I?


  1. I love the look of this quilt! I won an accuquilt go cutter years ago and have been itching to use the drunkard's path die but haven't found a pattern that sparks my interest. I think I just got my inspiration .....

  2. I like the look of those blocks! nice I have 4 books out on the table and looking through them trying to decide what will be the next EASY pieced blocks to do. I have three applique quilts in the works and one hexie - but I think I need an easy peasy project to grab now and then too.

  3. I really like the way this top is coming along. What if you set them on point? Take care, Byrd

  4. This is looking really nice, Audrey! I particularly like the red and white pieced bands, they are a nice detail against the larger pieces. I think they will have to match up, though! Although maybe some narrow sashing would give you a little wiggle room, and more of a lattice effect. Dark sashing, that is.

    Alternatively, you could do a light sashing that matches the light in the red and white bands, and that is the same width, so the red "dashes" will be continuous across the piece. That would be quite a modern look, I think! It might be a little tricky, though.

    Sorry if I am out of line, I am always designing other people's quilts for them, whether they like it or not!

  5. I absolutely love this project! Funny how life "gets in the way." You will get it done one of these days, and it will be fabulous.

  6. Start your shopping with your underwear and shoes and move on from there !

    I really like the way this project is turning out. I think it looks wonderful!

  7. I love the way this quilt is coming together, Audrey. The reds actually look to me like they'll line up but you could put a light border the same width as the red and white stripes between blocks so the reds don't meet.

  8. I LOVE this quilt!! It's absolutely brilliant!! I think that it won't matter if the red/white strips don't match up perfectly, It might add the wonkiness you were looking for. Have fun shopping, I hope you get some treats for you, I mean shoes, not fabric... :0

  9. Absolutely love the red and white sashings! Great choice. I look forward to seeing your progress!

  10. What a different looking quilt. Will the circles be hard?


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