
Friday, August 9, 2013

I Still Can't Believe I'm Hand Stitching Bow-Tie Blocks For Fun

Fifteen more bow-tie blocks hand stitched and ready to go into the completed pile. They are really stacking up now and honestly, they are getting easier and easier to sew all the time. So hard to believe.
15 more bow-tie blocks
Sometimes it's almost like I'm looking down at myself stitching away and I think 'Wow! Is this woman nuts or what?' Twenty years ago I was very adamant that I would NEVER hand quilt and now I'm enjoying that plus hand stitching (very basic) but still hand stitching! quilt blocks. lol
Lovin' this stack of goodness!
Ain't life funny? I haven't thrown any bow-tie blocks up on the wall for a long time now, scared that it might not come together like I envisioned. It's enough to just stitch the blocks, wiling away my time and enjoying the process, maybe I don't need to actually sew the blocks together? hehe I'm a craven coward sometimes is all.  No big.
Setting #1 of the bow-ties
This time I had a lot more colors to choose from and the first setting literally made my jaw drop. Can I just say how humbled and excited and thrilled I was to see that on my wall? I am in LOVE with those colors together! And the most exciting thing of all (to me) is that they are not all wonderful fabrics.  They are a very broad range of what's in my totes--the good, bland and unfortunate.  I just kept stacking fabrics together, moving through my color totes and squinting at everything to see if it blended in good enough.  If it came off as completely obnoxious, I threw it back. The main thing I kept checking for was a balanced mix of rich mediums, very dark prints, some brights for pizazz and of course some very light colored prints.
Setting #2 of the bow-ties
Oh I so hope all the blocks look this good together in the end! The next setting (same exact blocks) was pretty fabulous too.  Hmm.. that means the first setting is going to have some stiff competition. Of course there are an awful lot of blocks to put together so it may end up looking like mush in the end. You never know.*wink


  1. I like setting #2. I enjoy hand quilting and stitching. It's slow but very relaxing. Your blocks are really pretty.

  2. I guess we learn to never say never. The teal background gives a very old pattern a very modern look. Great job. I loved your term, the good, the bad, and the unfortunate. We all have fabric that fit those three categories.

  3. what size quilt are you going to make or are you deciding as you go? They are a fun block to make.

  4. There is a huge payoff in hand-piecing and I think you've just experienced it. I've been working on my curved pieces this summer and I just keep going - couldn't be happier! By the way I really like setting #1. Take care, Byrd

  5. Yowsa!! So fun! I love how modern the first setting looks but I get all vintage-happy looking at the second! Isn't it fun getting to play with all the setting possibilities. I think that's part of why scrappy quilts speak to me so much.

  6. Both settings look amazing. Hand stitching is so relaxing..and when you're done you can look at it and know its completely hand made. Beautiful!

  7. Love your bow ties. Fabulous use of fabrics.
    Fun to see the settings on your design wall.

  8. These are beautiful in both settings. Glad you're enjoying the process! Hand piecing is something I've said "never" about too. Well, never say "never!"

  9. I don't know....sounds like fun to me!!! They look fabulous on the wall and I think it will only get better as you add more blocks.

  10. Love your sense of color. Really pretty.

  11. Oh!! What a great background! Both versions are lovely! Glad you are enjoying the hand-piecing!

  12. I especially love the first setting. That teal colour just sings!! I learnt early on to never say never when it comes to patchwork and quilting.

  13. Wow! Your blocks look just super! Love that background color - it just sings! It must be really inspiring to fall in love with what you've been doing, expecting so little. See, you CAN trust yourself! This is going to be a gorgeous quilt!

  14. Ah...I do believe you are feeling the passion of the journey of patchwork rather than just the joy in the end product. I've hand stitched my first quilt after 20 years of machine work and I'm in awe that I took so long to try my hand at the slow more methodical pace of hand stitching. I can't wait to start another!


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