
Monday, July 15, 2013

Nibbling Away at a Few Projects

It was a pretty laid back weekend.  I felt like I just kind of nibbled away at a few projects and didn't really get much accomplished.  Then I had to reconsider the thought.  Even a little bit can go a long way toward completion if it is done regularly or even consistently!
More finished bow-tie blocks
Like these bow-tie blocks! Eleven more finished blocks to add to the stack and already it's time to do more prep work.  We had company over the weekend so I was glad to have the small hand work ready to go.  It seems easier at times to visit when my hands are busy with something that isn't taking up half the couch. My kids are totally used to me and my projects, but that probably does seems a bit unwelcoming to someone unaccustomed to a quilters way of life!
Hand quilting on #2 in the 9-patch series
Later on I was able to get in a little time on my hand quilting and it's amazing how much better the sampler blocks look with the hand quilting to add in some texture.  Nothing fancy going on, by my-oh-my do I like them a whole lot better!
Another block done on the #2 in the 9-patch series
So glad I didn't go ahead and machine stitch over the sampler blocks. This is definitely something I will be looking for more opportunities to do too. I can already see that this quilt is going to move out of the hoop super fast! Which is good. I already have plans for it.*wink
My kids idea of dessert...
And because I couldn't resist, I just had to show a picture of my kids impulsive Sunday evening dessert.  They asked if they could make pancakes, but that doesn't look like any pancake I've ever seen. lol  You can't see it in the pic, but the pancakes even had chocolate chips in them.....


  1. You should be pleased that your kids included fresh fruit and calcium in their menu! :)
    The bow ties are looking good!

  2. Oh I agree - the hand quilting looks wonderful on those blocks! And I like the bow ties too - great colour contrast. Know what you mean about needing a compact project to work on - something you can easily work on anywhere.

  3. visitors aren't always used to a quilters way of life are they - they sure are missing out :)

  4. Love (your) handquilting, always very special. I know what you mean about visitors and quilting, we are so used to quilting all the time and always having our quilting materials and projects laying around that when it surprises visitors and they ask questions about it, that I only realise then it is not so in every household.

  5. Your blocks do look great with the hand quilting! I have to agree that every little bit that we do whether in one fell swoop or just plugging away bit by bit sure does add up to a finished project!

  6. All those little bits of sewing certainly do add up. I'm going to have try pancakes with chic chips one day, such a great idea.

  7. Looks like a lovely weekend--all that and guests too! Your hand-stitching really does add so much to these pretty blocks.

  8. Ohh, now those are yummy pancakes. Brilliant children.
    All the bits do add up, we'll done. I love seeing your hand quilting.

  9. Oh yes, the hand quilting makes those sampler blocks sing. I love the polka dot sashing fabric! And... that teal background for your bow-ties is great!

    I am also employing the strategy of doing a little bit at a time (when there's not time to do a lot) in fact I'm going to go put a few stitches in right now, before I leave for work!

  10. I agree...sometimes if you work away slowly but consistently you’re done before you know it.

    And I always say it isnt over till the quilting is done. Isnt it amazing how much different a piece can look once the quilting is showing it off in all its glory. I really do love those sampler blocks.

    And those pancakes are right up there for an award as best pancakes ever!

  11. Hand quilting makes such a difference....and so tactile!! Love your work.


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