
Friday, June 21, 2013

A Great Package and More Quarter Circle Fun

This is what happens when you meet a really nice person in the quilting community. They decide that even though you don't win their giveaway, they still want to send you fabric!  hehe I'm still smiling. Byrd over at Jump Cut Arts has a great blog that I found while cruising through the hand quilting blog hop at Celebrate Hand Quilting. I love the way she writes about quilting.  She makes me think.
A package came in the mail...
So, when she so generously offered to send me some stash fabric for not winning, I jumped all over that, albeit a little sheepishly. Getting bits and bobs of fabric right out of somebody's personal stash is always great fun! You can be sure that I'll be finding ways to incorporate this into a quilt to two in the future.
Quarter circle fun
So, the mysterious circles.... In the interest of full disclosure, these particular two blocks have been on my wall for oh, about a month. Yeah, that long. I've been looking at them off and on and considering.  Do I really want to proceed with this? For some reason I kept thinking about buoys when I looked at them and that kind of irritated me. It must be the red and white strips which is vaguely nautical and yes, I know that I'm rambling.
One day I turned them back the way my rough little drawing had them placed and slapped up a couple unfinished quarter circles to get a broader picture.  The problem is, they are LIGHT colored on a LIGHT colored flannel wall.  What is there to see really? I hemmed and hawed and thought I was probably destined to trash the whole idea before ever admitting I'd even started it.
The stack of quarter circles.
It's really, really painful when a brilliant idea starts fizzling right before your eyes. But then there was that stack of quarter circles that I just kept on cutting the excess fabric away from the backs like maybe they were redeemable after all...? I seriously don't know what to think about the way my brain works at moments like these.  Mostly I just refuse to think and just keep on doing. lol
My favorite so far.
So then I finally made myself make another block. It had to be done because I needed more blocks to compare and contrast before I moved on for good. That much I knew for sure.

Bad picture, but can you see how the center is a little more wonky? That did it. Why didn't I know that from the beginning? grrr... All along I was cutting the red and white units out a little too long and just cutting them off at wherever they finished up.  Somehow this block went crooked in the middle instead of the outsides and YES! That's exactly what I wanted to see but didn't even realize until it happened.
Maybe just one more?
You can laugh all you want, but this is very exciting to me. It's like a breakthrough.*wink


  1. What a great lot of fabrics to add to your stash! Love your quarter circles... keep on and you will like it or add to it embellishment or quilting wise to change it! :) Thanks for sharing! Kathi

  2. I love it when you ramble. lol
    keep going, I'm curious!

  3. Im interested to see how this will turn out too...

  4. I LOVE your design! The little bit of wonky gives it all that much more character. So glad you're going to continue with this.

  5. I agree - I like the wonkiness - much more interesting. It is a great project and I love it - great colours and great fabrics! The bright red carries the design but all the pretty pale prints are perfect with it.

  6. Audrey, you are really onto something special with these blocks, especially with that bit of wonkiness. Byrd is so lovely to send you that package of fun fabrics.

  7. Looking forward to following along on your adventure with these blocks. Lucky you for getting such a lovely 'non-winner' prize!

  8. Those blocks are amazing! Have you tried them with a very dark sashing? Just wondering... Loveley to get those fabrics!

  9. What a great surprise, receiving that fabric! & I love wonkiness, am making wonky stars now on purpose myself.

  10. The red and white stripes were such a surprise to see incorporated into your light circles. A very fun surprise!


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