
Sunday, March 3, 2013

Loving the Hand Piecing

I'm back home from our big weekend at the state basketball tournament.  The girls brought home a 5th place trophy which isn't too shabby for such a young team!  It was very nice to take in a few of the bright lights of city life too and eat lunch at places like Panda Express instead of McDonald's or the local mini-mart.
Bow-ties Forever Project
Three back to back games (and days), then back home we come with a car load of tired, worn out kids and grumpy parents.  The state tournament is always an emotional roller coaster for kids and parents alike and I AM SO GLAD I HAD MY QUILTING WITH ME!  Total life saver for me this trip.  I only have 13 more blocks pieced as of today, but wowsers, did I appreciate the relaxing qualities of hand piecing this particular weekend!  lol

You can check out all the other slow quilting going on over at Kathy's if you like.  As for me, I have a whole list of quilt blog reading to catch up on!


  1. You can hand piece while riding in the car? I sure wish I could ... it would be so nice to have something to do on road trips. ;-)

  2. it is always so nice to be someplace that has more choices of places to eat isn't it - the downside of living in the country and small towns! Congrats to the girls - what age is the team average?

  3. I like the variety of prints you are using...lights, mediums and darks...they all contrast well with your background fabric. It will be such a fun quilt! Thanks for linking up to Slow Sunday Stitching!

  4. Like your 'Forever Project', such fun background material, great color!
    I really like Panda Express, we don't have them in The Netherlands, but always eat there when I am at an airport in the US when I see them. Love their orange chicken!

  5. Love your bow ties! Great to hear sewing saved the day! Congratulations to the girls on their trophy.

  6. Congrats to the girls on their trophy! Yes, tourneys are hard work, both to play in and to be the parent at. Hope you all recover soon!

    Yes, that's the downside of small towns - limited choice in restaurants. Glad you got to eat at some new ones. Love Panda Express!

    Your bow tie blocks are looking great! Love that turquoise you're using. Yes, sewing sure can be a life saver . . . and a sanity saver! You're making progress!

  7. It is nice to keep your hands busy. I wish I did it more when my kids were younger.
    Love the turquoise blue.

  8. love those blocks!!


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