
Sunday, February 24, 2013

This and That

I need to get some more bow-tie blocks ready for hand piecing.  Our girls won their game at Regionals on Friday and now they're headed to the state tournament in Spokane this coming weekend!  Very exciting stuff but I know from experience, it's good to have some hand work available for momma during the down times!
5 more bow-ties done
I managed to get all of the hand quilting done on G'mas Kaleidoscope quilt too.  You know how it is.  The closer you get to a finish, the faster you quilt and the longer your sessions!  I am not super proud of my work on this quilt, but I love the quilt for the sentimental value it has for me and I still say it's all been worth it.  The crazy fabric difficulties did not make me hate this quilt at all and in fact, I'm more fond of it than ever.  We won't talk about the fact that my almost new thimble now has more holes than a piece of Swiss cheese......
I'm gonna ignore the mistakes in this quilt and just love it to pieces....
Just yesterday when I realized how close I was to finishing the hand quilting on the Kaleidoscope quilt, I felt major guilt pains over the Antique Medallion quilt waiting so patiently on the railing for binding.  I've been having problems figuring out what color binding to put on it, but I finally went with a pink fabric that's already in the quilt.  None of the other colors ever looked right so when I saw the pink fabric, it just clicked.
Waiting so patiently for attention...
Right now it looks like a rather unfortunate choice, but hopefully when I fold it over and sew it to the back, that little bitty piece of color will look just right again.  Decisions, decisions......
Awww.... Did I do that?
When I was headed back down the stairs from my photo session, I looked up and saw this.  Such a beautiful sight to me.  I am sometimes in total awe that someone like me could ever make anything so beautiful.*wink  Once again I'm linking up to Slow Sunday Stitching over at Kathy's.  Lots to check out over there!


  1. Congratulations on heading to state! Sound like there will be lots of between game time for handwork. Have fun.

  2. Love your quilts hanging over the rail! I am hoping to have my husband make me a ladder to hang some quilts on once the weather warms up. I hate to have them hiding in the linen closet.

  3. And you should be proud of your wonderful quilts! They look gorgeous hanging on the railing together. ANd I love the pink binding!
    Thanks for linking up to Slow Sunday Stitching!

  4. What a gorgeous way to display your quilts! I think the pink binding will be cute when you sew the back down ... wait and see. ;-)

  5. Congrats to your girls!! Hope the weekend games went well!!

    Your quilts are gorgeous!! And I thing the pink will be perfect!!


  6. Yummy quilts! I especially am in love with the Kaleidoscope.

  7. So happy, Audry that you snapped this picture of your delightful quilts..beautiful!!

    Carolyn :)

  8. Yay!! Well done for finishing your Kaliedascope quilting, and for picking out binding for your other quilt, it can take ages to choose the right binding! I hang my quilts on our railing, I often swap them around so I can see different ones. Yours look extra wonderful, you make such beautiful quilts!

  9. Love the pictures of the stairwel, it is so good to see the different quilts hanging. Love the basket blocks. Greetings


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