
Sunday, February 17, 2013

Just Another Slow Stitching Evening

I posted about this quilt the other day over at Celebrate Hand Quilting.  There is always a quilt in the hoop around here so that I have something to work on in the evenings when my kids are winding down for the night.  Even just a few hours here and there throughout the week will get me somewhere eventually!
G'mas Kaleidoscope Quilt
I love linking up over at Kathy's Sunday Stitching even if I usually don't get much slow stitching done until late Sunday evening.  Sundays are more of a church/family day around here, but slow stitching is definitely part of my life.  A very essential part, especially since I have teenagers.*wink


  1. This is such a pretty quilt!! And you are right - a little here and there and it will get done!!


  2. You are making great progress! Hope you enjoyed stitching time tonight!
    Thanks for linking up!

  3. hand quilting is a therapy with teenagers!!!!!
    your making great progress its so pretty
    keep going!

  4. I just love hand quilting but I don’t seem to do any.
    Your quilt is looking good.

  5. That's such a gorgeous quilt! Hand quilting is so therapeutic - especially when raising teenagers! ;-)

  6. I can't believe you have time to do any quilting with teenagers....grin. My Kids now have teenagers, and I still have trouble finding time.

  7. The cool shades of blue, green, and purples... this is just beautiful! Is there a better way to spend a Sunday evening than hand quilting? Me thinks not!

  8. What a beautiful quilt. Sounds like your Sundays are like mine. Thank goodness God planned for a day of rest and fellowship!

  9. Your quilt is looking wonderful! It looks almost done... it's great to make the most of those hours here and there. Reminds me that I should do a few stitches of hand quilting...


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