
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Christmas Table Runner and a Free Log Cabin E-book

Fons and Porter sent me a link for a free log cabin e-book! Well, of course I was interested in checking it out as I especially loved working on my Mellow Log Cabin quilt. However, between that quilt and my scrap attack log cabin (pictured below), I figured it was way past time to find a pattern with some pre-cut length directions.  I think all you have to do is register if you want to check it out for yourself.

I didn't know what to expect, but the e-book is actually very easy to read and navigate.  I really appreciate seeing so many charts and setting possibilities. I do wish there were as many setting possibilities featured for the Courthouse Step blocks and Chevron blocks as for the traditional Log Cabin blocks, but that's probably just me thinking 'what if'?  Fans of the new solid fabrics would probably be very interested in checking out the two beautiful Sara Miller quilts pictured. I know I was amazed and felt very inspired by them.
Courthouse steps cutting chart for 5 block sizes
My cut list
I've been thinking about doing a simple Christmas table runner, so this link seemed like an good omen! I picked out my favorite log cabin block (the Courthouse Step) and randomly decided to make 4-9" blocks--a decent table runner size.  The single page with all the cutting information I needed printed out without any problems at all.  Then I made my own cut-sheet to keep me on track for cutting out 4 blocks.

And this is where I noticed an error.  The cutting charts are great.  They have very clearly defined cuts for light and dark fabrics--very easy to follow and read.  The only problem is, at the bottom of the Courthouse Step chart, they give directions to cut the longest dark lengths the exact same size as the longest light lengths.  So watch out for that.  I caught it pretty quickly and made the corrections on my own cut sheet (thankfully before I started cutting). You'll notice I also circled it on the Log Cabin chart page.
A 9" (finished) courthouse step block
The blocks went together extremely quickly, probably because I had all of the lengths pre-cut for once! I didn't even have to pin, which is always a big plus too. The blocks themselves turned out almost exactly 9 1/2" so I didn't even bother to size them.  LOVE that!  I just simply sewed them together as-is.
Small 4-block table runner.
Sorry for the bad picture, but our dinner table is probably where I will end up using this particular table runner.  It definitely needs a green border and possibly some applique too?  I guess that will depend on whether I want to be using it this year or the next!  Most of the work done here today was while I was waiting on the washer repairman.  What do you do while you wait for service repairmen to do what they come to do? hehe


  1. I love your colors---it will be a beautiful table runner. :) Merry Christmas

  2. They sent me this link also. Looks like a great little ebook. Love your log cabin blocks.

  3. I love log cabin quilts!! How fun to get a free ebook. Your Courthouse steps are really lovely. I'm glad you discovered the mistake before cutting lots of blocks. I love the scrap attack in the first photo too.

  4. Pretty - I can't wait to see the finished table runner.


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