
Monday, September 10, 2012

Loving the Hand Quilting

Oh!  I meant to link this post up to Kathy's Slow Stitching Sundays!  Can't believe I forgot!

After last weeks frustrations, it feels really, unbelievably good to get in some hand quilting.  I love this hoop.  Perfect placement means I can quilt two sides of the border and one entire block before moving my hoop.  Yay!
Getting in some good therapy....
The plan is still to do very simple quilting on the block--mostly just defining the Monkey Wrench piecing and then leave it be.  Lately I seem to want to do more quilting than that, but it's not completely necessary and I would like this quilt to be a little less stiff (and maybe drape better).  I'm seeing it as more of a snuggle quilt actually.  Lori over at Humble Quilts recently finished a quilt with a triple border similar to mine on this quilt.  Her cable quilting worked beautifully on the border and I'm contemplating trying that with this quilt.  We shall see.  I am still mulling around the possibilities!


  1. That looks like the perfect fall project! Love the colors you used.

    I like the idea of a cable in your border - Lori's was great.

  2. I am so jealous! I have nothing ready to hand-quilt...yet!!
    Beautiful quilt! Looking forward to seeing your progress.

  3. Drape might have more to do with batting then quilting. What type of batting are you using?

  4. Lovely!!!Great colors too.

    I am new to your blog and had fun looking at your past post. I will visit you again, soon!

    Carolyn :)

  5. A perfect fall project!
    I must look for my snap frame/hoop. I have one somewhere and would like to have a quilt set up ready to go as an alternative to my current sad quilt.
    Thanks for linking up to Slow Stitching Sunday!


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