
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Little By Little

Looking at this photo, I almost regret not using fall colors in my Worry Basket quilt!  I spent most of Saturday driving around with my husband while he took care of business.  Good construction jobs  (around here) require much more travel time than they used to, so I took advantage of some one-on-one time with my husband, packed up my applique bag and climbed in the truck for a long drive.
The last of the setting triangles for my Worry Baskets
Thankfully, he got both jobs he was bidding on and we both enjoyed the gorgeous fall drive.  I felt a little old-lady-ish sitting in the truck 'tending to my knitting' so to speak, but hey, I got a lot done.  We have Sirius radio, and I just tune in to Talk Radio (which I won't talk about since that would be politics), stitch away on my quilting project and check out the neighborhood while my husband is busy talking to the clients.  By this evening, I had the last setting triangle done and have been trimming all my basket blocks down to the proper 5 1/2".  Somehow I forgot about the corner setting triangles I need to applique for this quilt, but they are super simple and will be finished in no time at all.  Hopefully I'll be able to lay this entire quilt out to prep for sewing rows together early this week!  I'm getting extremely excited about seeing it all together, but I know that I'm going to need the living room floor for at least a couple hours before I feel comfortable with my lay-out.  What I'm really wanting is everybody in the family to please go to school/work/practice etc. and stay away for a few hours!*wink

Since this is more of that slow stitching stuff that is so beneficial to all of us dedicated stitchers, I'm linking up to Kathy's.  Every little bit counts when it comes to stitching.


  1. Absolutely every bits relationships and in stitching! So glad you had a wonderful day together AND got so much stitching accomplished. I can't wait to see it all laid out! Thanks for linking up to Slow Sunday Stitching!

  2. Well you are certainly getting this project closer to be finished. Great use of time....good company, lovely scenery and plenty of stitching done...can't beat a day like that.
    Any chance of some photos of Autumn (Fall) in your part of the world?


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