
Thursday, August 2, 2012

Just a Little Progress

We have a wildfire going on across the Columbia river from our town.  Just a little distracting.  The first calls were made about noon yesterday to start fighting the fire and already this morning it had burnt through 8,500 acres.  This picture was taken from our driveway last night, so you can see that the dry grass, sagebrush and wheat fields over the top of the hill were burning at a pretty good rate.  Thankfully no houses have been destroyed so far.  We have one of these fires in our area every couple years, but you never really get used to it.
Wildfire across the river from us.
I did get a little more done on my table runner, making some of those decisions that were driving me crazy.  Finally, a joining fabric I could live with.  No--it doesn't need a border.  Yes, it's plenty long enough.
Testing out the new runner.
My last runner was too long and always bunchy at one end or the other, so I wanted to make sure this one would fit properly.  It's the little details that can make all the difference in the world about how much we like something or if we're satisfied with the finished product.
It looks like this one will work just fine.
The little bow-ties are so sweet.  It's hard to believe I haven't done anything with this pattern before.  I'm thinking this needs to be my next hand quilting project.  I know, I know--what about the other fifteen quilt tops in front of this one!  The problem is, I can't make up my mind about which one to start on next and working on this little tiny project will let my mind ponder and contemplate without any undue pressure.....
The old runner
Thought you'd like to see my old table runner.  Poor thing.  It's totally faded and abused from over 10 years of hard wear and tear.  This spot is the clutter spot.  It collects so much junk that sometimes I'm tempted to just put a garbage can in this very spot and be done with it.  For that reason too, I wanted to make sure my new table runner had lots of darker fabrics in it.  You just never know what my husband or kids will plop down on this china hutch and leave there!


  1. I love your new runner, the bow ties are sweet and the fabric in the setting squares is perfect.
    Fires are frightening, I grew up on a large farm and we had one really huge fire in 30 years which started in a local Pine forest, luckily it only burnt the back of our property and miraculously we didn't lose any of our stock but millions of dollars worth of damage was done and a lot of people had to destroy their sheep, it was horrible. Lets hope it rains on the fire across from you.

  2. SO sorry about the fires. Hope they are out soon. Your table runner looks great, nice to have all the decisions made. I know what you mean about 'those places'...the dumping grounds...

  3. Wow, that photo of the fire is scarey...hope you stay safe!!
    The table runner is perfect, I love those tiny bow ties. We have a hutch that performs the same duty at our house...hmm, wonder if everyone does?
    Please note that mine does not have an adorable table runner on it, so maybe I need to get busy!


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