
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Working Off One of Those Horrible, No-Good Awful Moods

I left my back office in a horrible, no-good, awful mood yesterday and somehow ended up in my quilting room.  Can the economy possibly get any worse for those self employed in the construction business?  After prowling around there for awhile trying to figure out where to settle, I ended up pulling out this 'Pieceable Souls' project.  Maybe not the best choice as it's not always been my favorite quilt, but somehow it managed to work its magic anyway.  Gotta love quilting and it's ultimate soothing qualities...  
Working with the 1st border
At first it didn't seem very soothing at all.  Basically, I just kept chucking blocks down into the line-up hoping that eventually something would start looking like it grew there.  I kept rearranging 9-patch blocks and forgetting that I need the corners to be filled with a larger (12") blocks.  Grrr...  
Then the second border
I thought I had separated my blocks out and tried to 'balance' the colors somewhat evenly.  Gah!  Does it even matter with all this scrappiness going on?  I think not.  Amazingly, by the time I had taken my little temper fit out on this poor quilt, both borders were sewn together and ready to go.  And I was in a much better mood.  Unbelievable.  Imagine if I'd been working on a quilt I WAS IN LOVE WITH?  Huh?  No way.  That would be a very dangerous thing to do.*wink
Last 2 borders now complete--waiting on corner blocks
So now I'm looking at all the leftovers.  However did I end up with so many extra blocks?  I'm thinking that somewhere between my desire to have plenty of  'choices' and my inability to concentrate on mathematical equations while I'm in the midst of critical basic quilting decisions, I wasted a whole bunch of prime fabric.  Oh well.  I think maybe there is a fabulous baby quilt in somebody's future?
All my extras!
Now I'm wading through 'The Block Book' by Judy Martin trying to determine if the 'Texas Twister' block will satisfy the requirement for the 4 corner blocks I need.  I do so love the block, but it's just not big enough.  Hmmm... Maybe I can work around that somehow....


  1. It is lovely! The colors are so bright and cheerful no wonder it helped improve your mood! As for the extra blocks, I always use them on the back. I like to piece a row or two of blocks and put it about 10-16" across the back from the top. That way, when you fold the quilt back, there is a fun little surprise! It also usually prevents me from having to buy extra yardage for the backing. I can get away with two widths of fabric rather than three. But if you really do have enough blocks left to make a baby quilt, it sure would be cute!

  2. I love this quilt! so colorful I really like it.

  3. It turned out really nice and I hope it helped turn your mood around. Hubby and I have a small business and we'd sure like to see the economy improve! Just heard abotu a friend's hubby who was laid off this past week.
    Good thing quilting is good for the soul.


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