
Sunday, June 24, 2012

Hand Quilting 'Cuz It's Good For You

I just found a 'new to me' blog that totally speaks my language.  Kathy is starting a Sunday link-up for hand stitchers of all kinds.  She has an excellent post on the merits of slow quilting which really make sense.
This is me hand quilting:  Because it's good for me!
Of course I already hand quilt almost all of my quilts telling myself that 1. I love it.  2. I'm saving money and 3. It's therapy!  Turns out that slowing down is good for us in many ways.  Course I often have an applique project on hand as well for the many times that I am waiting, waiting, waiting on kids/the husband or when I have company, of which I have plenty of from time to time (being as how our family tree is loaded with fruit and all that).....


  1. It sure is good for's vitamin Q!
    That's a neat hoop you have to work in!
    Thanks for linking up!

  2. Stitching is definetly a great therapy. I really must treat myself to a large hoop this year.

  3. I've been hand quilting for years. Although I do send out some tops to be machine quilted, I prefer the look of the hand-done quilts. I'm checking out the link; thanks!

  4. I too find hand work relaxing, no schedule just watching the project take life with hand stitching. Enjoy your time!
    Thank you for sharing.

  5. I love to hand quilt as well, but haven't done it in far too long! I must choose a project worthy of it soon...

  6. We love hand quilting! Come over and visit us... Bring your hoop to and let's stitch!

  7. Thanks for sharing this link up! As a fellow long time, purist, hand quilter, and now a beginner machine quilter I am checking it out!


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