
The Courage to Feel Creative Series

THE COURAGE TO FEEL CREATIVE SERIES: An ongoing conversation about encouraging creativity for those of us that feel somewhat creatively challenged. Practicalities, thoughts and many ideas.

1. Introduction

2. Fabric Love: Importance of having a personalized stash & accumulating fabric that speaks directly to you.

3. Fabric Love Part #2: Focused Shopping

4. Taking Control of Your Quilting: Learning to insert YOU into your quilts, one little step at a time.

5. Taking Control of Your Quilting Part #2:  Ideas for Partial Creativity

6. Time to Refresh: Sometimes you just have to take a break

7. Habits of Creativity: Recognizing and taking advantage of The Creative Process

8. Habits of Creativity: Work, Do, Make, Create. What to fall back on when mojo isn't working

9. Scrap Quilting ABC's: Explore color placement, value, and fabric choices to create depth,  movement, and authenticity in your quilts

10. Building Scrap Quilter Muscle: An alternative way of accumulating an interesting stash