It's way late to do a end of the year wrap up post so if this isn't your thing, please feel free to move along. It's mostly for my own records anyway, since quilts tend to get lost in the shuffle if I don't keep track. Last year ended with a respectable 15 quilts totally finished up. Not my best number, but definitely nothing to sneeze at. If I wouldn't have gotten so sick, there would possibly have been another to add to the list. Apparently it wasn't meant to be!
2022 Finishes (1) |
As per usual, I find myself reaching for a mix of applique quilts to put in the hoop and then, maybe a totally machine pieced quilt just to change things up. As the years go by, there seems to be less and less quilts without some form of applique involved in the making. Hmm... I wonder what that says about me?
2022 Finishes (2) |
I always keep a master list of completed quilt tops which is
supposed to have the projects listed in order of completion. This helps ensure that I don't end up neglecting a quilt top well beyond the point of being impossible to drum up interest in quilting on it. This list is, of course, cheerfully ignored at whim. Mostly tops are pulled out of the drawers depending on whatever color and mood {or vibe} that I'm currently searching for. Or if a quilt is destined to be gifted. Sometimes that moves a quilt top up to the top of the list in a hurry!
2022 Finishes (3) |
Quite to my surprise, the quilt top list shrunk last year--down to 20 unfinished quilt tops! And two of those tops were given to me by my sister a couple years ago, so really. They don't even hardly count.
So..., the 2022 Finished Quilt details:
- 7 Lap Quilts
- 7 Bed Quilts
- 1 Comfort Quilt
- 9 Quilts completely hand quilted
- 5 Quilts mixed hand quilting and machine quilting
- 1 Quilt completely machine quilted
- 8 Quilts gifted, gently used or newly finished
Towards the end of the year I had quite a few ideas and goals for the winter quilting efforts and going into this year. All of that has been turned upside down and now I really don't know if I'm coming or going. I had to cancel the winter quilting meetings at our church after losing the entire month of January. Thankfully, everyone seemed very understanding. Am finally starting to feel somewhat normal again, but am still not at 100%. Have only left the house five times in fact since this all started, but I'm getting there! Which, frankly, is a huge relief. I'm asking everyone to please give comment amnesty for past posts. Have so appreciated the kind comments, but did not have the energy most days to try and 'catch up'.
Cheddar fabric |
I also wanted to give a shout-out to Lizzy at
Gone to the Beach blog. She has a very charming blog that I have followed for years and years. At some point this winter, she had offered to send me some pieces of cheddar colored fabric to help out with a specific project where the stash totes were seemingly lacking. By the time we had made proper connection, I tried to tell her that I was actually currently too sick to be working on any quilt project. She insisted,
I couldn't resist and these fabrics have been such a joy to me just to look at, even if only wistfully in passing. Really, really sweet of her to share fabric so generously!
Still haven't done anything meaningful with that project yet, but you know me. It's only a matter of proper time and focus. If I have any big plans for 2023, it's to take time, try and be mindful and not be in a big rush to check things off a list. Thanks to all who keep checking in with the blog. I'm not ditching it, I promise! {Though the posting might be slow for a bit.} I am reading and trying to catch up on quilting blogs now and finding myself missing some older blogs that have totally drifted away. There are a lot of things still needing my attention before I can dive into quilting at full throttle and well, guilt free? At least I am slowly starting to get in a bit of hand work most evenings. Have missed it so very much....
I hope and trust that each day will be better than the day before. Take your time; your health comes first. I love your quilts so much, I could eat them up!
ReplyDeleteAck that was me, Lindsay
ReplyDeleteGlad you are improving Audrey... the quilting can wait! And such a productive year, when one considers all the thought, time, applique, & hand quilting that you do. I look forward to your posts, so inspiring, thank you.
ReplyDeleteSo glad you are feeling better. Hopefully you will feel your strength and stamina improving steadily. I love your quilts, and I always enjoy your blog posts. Take good care of yourself.
ReplyDeleteSeeing all your lovely quilts is never too late! You did well to finish that many and hope your health continues to improve.
ReplyDeletein the second group of photos and the last group of photos I love the last quilt in each of those groupies. Glad you are starting to feel a bit better - whatever had gotten you down sure hit you hard!
ReplyDeleteJust do what you can, whenever or not. Loved seeing your 2022 wrap up. Absolutely nothing to sneeze at. They're a beautiful statement of who you are. Take care.
ReplyDeleteSo wonderful to see your post Audrey and I loved seeing all of last year's quilts together; such a gorgeous collection. I stalled out when I ready '9 quilts hand quilted'. Never in my wildest imaginings would I get there, but you are a dynamo. No need to reply. Be good to yourself and take your time getting back on your feet; we often underestimate just how much time our bodies need to be back.
ReplyDeleteI love to see your year recap post. You made so many lovely quilts last year. Your creativity continues to impress and inspire. Your quilts have so much character - so much you in them!
ReplyDeleteGood to hear from you and to see your beautiful finishes. You are a prolific quilter for sure!
ReplyDeleteThe cheddar fabric is great and I'm sure you'll put it to good use.
from Janie @
DeleteAudrey Deseo que pronto estés recuperada, tus edredones son tan preciosos todos y cada uno de ellos que siempre me sorprende, Saludos
ReplyDeleteFifteen finishes for the year is amazing, especially since most are hand quilted. Not to mention beautiful originals with all that hand applique. Best news is that you're beginning to feel better, hope that continues and you're well on your way to complete recovery by now.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! Your output is prodigious as always. So admire your work ethic regarding your quilts. Do hope you continue to recover well - take your time (it’s probably all you can do!). Looking forward to seeing when you achieve this year! Hugs x
ReplyDeleteSorry, didn’t realise it said anonymous! It’s Meredithe
ReplyDeleteI (almost) don’t care how long it is between your posts because I love reading them so much. I’m a huge admirer of your work.
ReplyDeleteSo sorry to hear you have been proper poorly. Totally sympathise as this time last year I was in the same state. Hoping you'll be back and quilting fit asap ... but do take things slowly!!! Love the quilts!!!
ReplyDeleteAudrey: So impressed! I envy your ability to still applique! I had a stroke and have an impaired left hand. Hard to applique. All quilts can be improved with applique! You go, girl! Still love the elephant quilt best, but it's hard to choose among such lovelies! Feel better soon.
ReplyDeleteAs to why there are so many Anonymous replies: Anonymous is the default setting. Must be changed by each person replying.
Hope you are feeling better! Your quilts are an absolute joy and inspiration for me!
ReplyDeleteYour quilts always make me happy - and having so many of them in this one post means I am nearly giddy with enjoyment. I'm so sorry you've been sick for so long - definitely not fun - but I'm also very glad you are taking time to take care of yourself. And your approach for 2023 is a good one - no lists, just Quilty pleasure whenever time permits. (also super glad you are not ditching the blog). Quiltdivajulie
ReplyDeleteI'm happy to hear you are feeling better and better. Those nasty chest colds/issues can knock you flat for weeks and weeks. Your wrap up of 2022 is fantastic. I especially love the blue and red big fat tulips in the second collage. By any chance is that a pattern or a repro from a photo of an old quilt? If so, your source? It's so perfect for a tulip quilt and quite unique.
ReplyDeleteJust lovely to see so many beautifull finished quilts together. Glad that you are getting better, take your time.
ReplyDeleteSuch a beautiful collection of quilts, as always, just makes me grin to see them. Much better to use your energy on little bits of quilting than on answering blog comments. We'll all still be here once you feel up to it.
ReplyDeleteYour quilts are lovely, and so many!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad the cheddars are cheerful. I know they' ll find their way into the totes rotations and be fun someday. And you know--bright!
Feel better.
This is such an amazing list of accomplishments! For me, it is harder to organize all the photos for an annual list than it was to make them in the first place. I am so thankful that we get to see your annual "pile" all in one post. They are all lovely (although I have to admit that "Seedpod" is still my favorite!). I am glad to hear you are better, and I hope you can take a little time to rest each day until that 100% comes back. Thanks for shaing!
ReplyDeleteI always love to see what you are creating. Your quilts are so inspiring and really speak to me. I hope you are feeling stronger each day!